Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

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Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

We are Where It's At!

With Personal Trainers/Coaches/Athletes Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast, aka Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone, discuss Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Running, Longevity, Vitality and Healthy People Doing Healthy Things. Guest Stars on the Regular!

Filtering by Category: Physical Education

Fit Fix Now - New CEO Christine Conti and Founder Jane Curth - Episode 346

Episode 346 - Fit Fix Now - New CEO Christine Conti and Founder Jane Curth
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 346 - Fit Fix Now - New CEO Christine Conti and Founder Jane Curth

“FITFIXNOW is one of the leading online continuing education platforms for busy fitness professionals to gain the knowledge and credits needed to keep ALL major certifications current! Convenient! Affordable! Accredited!” 

Today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast is a special one! Get excited because the Fit Crazies welcome back an amazing and successful female entrepreneur by the name of Jane Curth! As the founder of FITFIXNOW, one of the leading platforms for fitness professionals to gain continuing education in a convenient and affordable way, Jane is here to announce some BIG NEWS! If you have yet to hear, your very own “fit crazie,” Christine Conti has stepped into her new role as the CEO of FITFIXNOW! Listen up to hear how Jane turned a personal frustration into a successful online business! Then, find out the story behind the “passing of the torch” which would  allow Christine to lead FITFIXNOW boldly into the future! Whether you are a fitness professional, budding entrepreneur, or are looking for a little inspiration to turn your ideas into reality, this episode is for you! And if you are looking to uplevel your personal training, fitness business, or studio, get your next CEC’s at!

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! 

Christine and Brian

Fit Fix Now Links and Sites:

Facebook/Insta: @FITFIXNOW

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitpro #FITFIXNOW #exercise #fitnessenthusiast #NCAA #AFAA #ACE #NASM #ACSM #AAAI #ISSA #onlinetraining #fitpro #fitspo #fitnesscontinuingeducation #continuingeducation #personaltrainereducation #activeaging #mentalhealth #mindset #exercise #groupexercise #fitnessinstructor #fitnessbusiness #OTF #F45 #Equinox #NYSC #CRUNCHFitness #SoulCycle #BarrysBootcamp #pilates #yoga #strength #LesMills #CorePower #SymmetryAlignsmart #Rollga #Gliders #TRX #Kickboxing #Step #Running #Mindset #Coach360News #MuscleMixes #AtlantaTechVillage #FitnessCertification #Coach #Athlete #Cycle #AquaFitness

Andrew Menter - Physmodo - Episode 339

Episode 339 - Andrew Menter - Physmodo
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 339 - Andrew Menter - Physmodo

“You cannot manage your movement if you cannot measure your movement.”

“Physmodo. We measure how people move in 30-seconds.”

It’s time for the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with your favorite hosts, Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast! On today’s show, the Fit Crazies sit down with Andrew Menter, the CEO and mastermind behind Physmodo, a company that creates technology to aid in assessing how your body moves. Listen up as Andrew unpacks why it is so important to be able to complete a full-body assessment through a single movement that not only takes only 30 seconds, but also does not require a trainer. It may sound too good to be true, but this is “the real deal!” Physmodo provides objective scores with no human error by using specific indicators to denote poor movement. Now, Andrew is looking to help the world understand their misalignments to help reduce the risk and prevent injuries through Physmodo! Learn more at or download the APP today! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazy! 

Christine and Brian 

Andrew Mentor/Physmodo Links and Sites:

Instagram @physmodo

LinkedIn: Andrew Menter

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #impact #IHRSA #canfitpro #TRX #RandyHetrick #ChrisFrankel #RyanDamon #Symmetry #injuryprevention #running #measurement #pain #Physmodo #assess #UniversityofTennessee #Rutgers #athletes #BrownUniversity #lawschool #entrepreneur #RTW #APP #Beck #JPMorgan #investmentbanker #SouthAfrica #Dallas #NYC #EricMalzone #injuries #misalignments #physicaltherapists #athletictrainers #Ironman #tennis #rugby #trainer #technology #app 

Sam Miller - Proteus Motion - Founder/CEO - Episode 325

Episode 325 - Sam Miller - Proteus Motion
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 325 - Sam Miller - Proteus Motion - Founder/CEO

“We are creating something that is a different animal…a combination of a performance testing tool and training tool…a new universal standard for strength and conditioning.”

“The future of fitness…a sensation of training underwater…low impact…proprioception…Proteus Motion.”   Sam Miller - Proteus Motion

It’s time for the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with today’s featured guest, Sam Miller, the founder of Proteus Motion Inc. In this episode, Sam reveals the future of fitness when he explains the inspiration, creation, and concept behind his “performance testing tool and training tool.” From growing up as an elite soccer player and passionate athlete, Sam understood that to perform at your best, there must be universal assessments, proven data, and individualized training programs. With an inventor and MIT graduate as a father, Sam garnered the inspiration and drive to create the “ultimate assessment tool for strength and power” that would produce accurate information in a few short minutes. If this sounds too good to be true, think again! In 2023, professional athletes that train with Proteus Motion have won the Super Bowl, World Series, PGA Masters, and more! If you are in the business of fitness and wellness, a strength and conditioning coach, athletic coach, or personal trainer, the Proteus Motion is a game-changer! The proof is in the winning! Find out more or watch a demo at!

Stay Fit! Stay Crazies!

Christine and Brian 

Proteus Motion Sites and Links:

Instagram/Facebook/LinkedIn @proteusmotion


#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #conference #fitness #business #IHRSA #canfitpro #proteus #proteusmotion #sammiller #patrickmahomes #bobbystroop #sportsbusinessjournal #football #WWE #NFL #NHL #WorldSeries #SuperBowlMVP #PGA #PGAmasters #golf #NBA #NFC #proprioception #strength #power #resistance #DavidTaylor #basketball #NYC #MIT #Vanderbuilt #SportsIllustrated #College #Podcast #trainsmart #data #research #planar #transverseplane 

Yusuf Khoja - “A Catalyst for Positive Change”/Workshop Facilitator/Keynote Speaker/Coach - Episode 321

Episode 321 - Yusuf Khoja - “A Catalyst for Positive Change”/Workshop Facilitator/Keynote Speaker/Coach
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 321 - Yusuf Khoja - “A Catalyst for Positive Change”/Workshop Facilitator/Keynote Speaker/Coach

“Let your personality shine through…your voice quality, energy, intonation…bring the best of you that other people comment about.”

“Creating value must be your number 1 when in front of an audience…What is your value proposition…make sure your content is relevant.” 

Happy New Year Two Fit Crazie Listeners! It’s time to ring in 2024 with the Two Fit Crazies and the “Champion of Change” himself, Yusuf Khoja! Today, Yusuf joins the show from Toronto, Canada to share some of the valuable lessons and experiences he has accrued over 30 years of producing, organizing, and presenting at international leadership and wellness events. In that time, Yusuf has worked with renowned speakers such as former President Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, and more! Get ready for tons of golden nuggets about how to elevate your “WOW FACTOR” and best cater to your target audience as an emerging leader and speaker. Yusuf’s advice on how to deliver value-added programs and messages that “engage, inspire, and empower his clients to new levels of professional growth and success” is what makes Yusuf a highly effective and coveted keynote speaker and catalyst for positive change around the world! Be sure to stay tuned to grab Yusuf’s upcoming book, The DNA of Great Storytellers, which is scheduled to be released in spring 2024! 

Let’s Go!

Stay Fit! Stay Crazy!

Christine and Brian 

Yusuf Khoja Links and Sites: 

Instagram: @yusufmkhoja

Facebook: yusuf.khoja

LinkedIn: Yusuf Khoja


Book Coming Spring 2024: The DNA of Great Storytellers 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #YusufKhoja #Toronto #speaker #canfitpro #entrepreneur #events #promote #keynote #TonyRobbins #Oprah #BillClinton # EllenDeGeneres #RichardBranson #DNAofgreatstorytellers #author #organize #canada #energy #reslientleaders #championforchange #wowfactor #vision #minfulness #breneebrown #WomenWhoInfluence 

Fit Crazie 2023 BOSTON MARATHON Rundown! - Episode 299

Episode 299 - The Two Fit Crazies Recap Their 2023 Boston Marathon
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 299 – Fit Crazie 2023 BOSTON MARATHON Rundown!

There is nothing better than being in the city of Boston on Patriot’s Day! For those non-runners out there, this is also known as “MARATHON MONDAY,” the day that 30,000+ hopeful runners toe the start line in Hopkinton, 26.2 miles away from the finish line! If you are tuning in today, Christine and Brian recount their experiences racing one of the greatest yet most grueling courses in the world. Find out Brian’s secrets to crushing this iconic marathon and run a sub three-hour race. Then, listen up as Christine talks about why you need to run on behalf of a charity (like the Alzheimer’s Association that she runs with each year), how you don’t need to complete long training runs, how you can take bathroom breaks, and most importantly, you can run fast times and feel good! If you want to hear the ins and outs of the Boston Marathon course from those who know and love it best, this episode is for you! Expect to laugh and learn a thing or two from the “fit crazies!”



Keep Chasing Unicorns!

Christine and Brian,



Instagram: @twofitcrazies

Facebook: Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast



#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitness #BostonMarathon #Boston #run #nike #brooks #wayout #africa #maurten #humagels #Hopkinton #race #hydrate #gatorade #NUUN #ChasingUnicorns #medals #ALZ #AlzheimersAssociation #Framingham #Natik #Runner #Wellesley #BostonCollege #HeartbreakHill #Newton #NewtonHills #newbalance #underarmour #saucony #recovery #mentalhealth

The Two Fit Crazies Talk 2023 - Episode 290

Episode 290 - The Two Fit Crazies Talk 2023
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 290 - The Two Fit Crazies Talk 2023

“What do you have planned for 2023?”

“It’s time to rethink New Year Resolutions and start making New Year’s Intentions.”

Happy 2023! The Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast are excited to bring you yet another year of everything fitness, nutrition, health, inspiration, and fun! Join Christine and Brian as they reveal some of their crazy new plans to change the world in 2023! It’s time to reimagine the way you think about New Year’s resolutions, and instead, start setting some serious New Year’s intentions! If you want to live a more fulfilling and happier life, it’s time to get uncomfortable! Run that race! Be your own boss! Give back to your community! Organize that fundraiser! Be the change you wish to see in the world and live without regrets! If you are wondering how the Two Fit Crazies do it, listen up and take some notes! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Two Fit Crazies

Christine and Brian


Instagram:    @twofitcrazies  

Facebook: Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

#twofitcrazies #podcast #NewYear #resolutions #intentions #JSFRunners #Africa #ReinventingTheWoman2023 #retreat #run #BostonMarathon #running #IRONMAN #triathlon #Disney #Nike #fitness #health #wellness #train #mindset #mindful #happiness #mentalhealth #nutrition #wellness #inspire #IDEA #family #travel #chronicdisease #exerciseismedicine #move #brainhealth #smile #friends #BeYourOwnBoss #Fun

Gregory Charlop “Dr. Greg” - Physician, Speaker, Author, Girls’ Health Advocate and Founder of From Soccer to C-Suite - Episode 285

Episode 285 - Gregory Charlop “Dr. Greg” - Physician, Speaker, Author, Girls’ Health Advocate and Founder of From Soccer to C-Suite.
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 285 - Gregory Charlop “Dr. Greg” - Physician, Speaker, Author, Girls’ Health Advocate and Founder of From Soccer to C-Suite

“I founded the Women’s Sports Forum….I hope to create an environment to create opportunity.”

“…women athletes are not treated well…women often have more crosses to bear.”

In this episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Gregory Charlop, better known as “Dr. Greg,” is joining the show to share his journey from Beverly Hills anesthesiologist to well sought-after women’s empowerment advocate! This Stanford-trained physician turned “girl dad” is here to shed some light on one of his most passionate programs, From Soccer to C-Suite™. This program is led by a nationwide conference series that shares advice from top women leaders about raising successful girls. Listen closely as Dr. Greg reveals how he was able to create executive-level job opportunities for women by bringing together investors, philanthropists, financial and marketing support, and more. To hear more from Dr. Greg, be sure to pick up his book, Why Doctors Skip Breakfast: Wellness Tips to Reverse Aging, Treat Depression, and Get a Good Night's Sleep and be on the lookout for his upcoming book, From Soccer to C-Suite.

Stay Crazie.

Christine and Brian 

LinkedIn: Gregory Charlop

Instagram: @gregorycharlopmd

#twofitcrazies #podcast #drgreg #anesthesiologist #BeveryHills #PlasticSurgery #UCLA #Atlanta #womensempowerment #femaleathletes #SimoneBiles #AntiAging #Olympians #LPGA #NBC #FOX #dad #WhyDoctorsSkipBreakfast #realestate #csuite #soccer #speaker #writer #socialmedia #NaomiOsaka #tech #csuite #girls #empower #SCW #advocate ##NCAA #Stanford #opportunity #investors #Forbes #ABC 

Jonathan McLernon “Coach Jon” - Freedom Nutrition and Fitness Coach/Creator of Lifestyle 180/Host of “Between the Before and After” Podcast - Episode 277

Episode 277 - Jonathan McLernon “Coach Jon” - Freedom Nutrition and Fitness Coach/Creator of Lifestyle 180/Host of “Between the Before and After” Podcast
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 277 - Jonathan McLernon “Coach Jon” - Freedom Nutrition and Fitness Coach/Creator of Lifestyle 180/Host of “Between the Before and After” Podcast 

“We need to change according to the way our brains work.”

“If you make a list of all the things you love and value, how far down the list are you?”

“I am an empathetic engineer…a tour guide, not a sherpa…I want to help you move past your problems…”

In today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, we guarantee that Jonathan McLernon, AKA “Coach Jon,” will entertain, educate, and inspire you to move past your problems and change “your story.” That’s right! Listen up as Jon shares how his life led him from Nanotechnology Researcher at the University of Victoria, to a Marine Engineer for the Canadian NAVY, a globetrotting English teacher, a nutrition and supplement store owner, and finally a successful “brain-driven weight loss” coach and podcaster. Jon is on a mission to “give people hope,” and as a self-proclaimed, “empathic engineer,” he is constantly trying to understand the “human experience” to better care for both himself and his clients. So, grab a pen and paper and take notes while Jon reveals some of the best kept secrets to enacting lasting change through compassion and unconscious behavior awareness or reach out to him at

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian 

Facebook: Freedom Nutrition Coaching

Instagram: @freedomnutritioncoach

Between the Before and After Podcast

David Geslak - President/Founder of Exercise Connection - Autism Exercise Specialist - Episode 276

Episode 276 - David Geslak - President/Founder of Exercise Connection - Autism Exercise Specialist
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 276 - David Geslak - President/Founder of Exercise Connection - Autism Exercise Specialist 

IDEA 2022 Fitness Leader of the Year Finalist 

“The biggest thing to figure out…How do they learn?” 

“...connect with them…build the relationships beyond relationships first…you will have a client for life.” David Geslak

In today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Christine and Brian welcome an amazing human by the name of David Geslak! Recently nominated as a finalist for the 2022 IDEA Fitness Leader of the Year Award, David shares how he fell in love with helping those with Autism live more healthy and happy lives. As a former strength and conditioning coach who opened his own gym soon after graduating college, he had no idea that one child would completely “change my career path.” Nineteen years later and now president and founder of Exercise Connection, David Geslak is focused on building relationships and implementing individualized exercise programs using evidence-based strategies for those with Autism. In addition, David is on a mission to educate fitness professionals and medical fitness professionals how to better serve this growing demographic through his ACSM Autism Fitness Specialist Course as well as developing an APP that is currently being implemented in 7 different research studies. David Geslak is a true leader in his work and you can find out more about him and his amazing team of trainers at

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! 

Brian and Christine 


Instagram: @davidgeslak @exerciseconnection 


#twofitcrazies #podcast #entrepreneur #exerciseconnection #exercise #autism #autismawareness #IDEA #leader #coach #NASM #AFAA #ACE #specialist #evidencebased #researchbased #team #fun #ACSM #abilitylevel #strengthcoach #gym #school #relationships #trust #NYSAHPRED #ShapeAmerica #physicaleducation #PE

Chris Gellert - PT/Sportsphysio, MPT, CSCS, C-IASTM, NASM-CPT CEO Physical Therapist/Personal Trainer/Educator/Consultant - Episode 272

Episode 272 - Chris Gellert - PT/Sportsphysio, MPT, CSCS, C-IASTM, NASM-CPT CEO Physical Therapist/Personal Trainer/Educator/Consultant
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 272 - Chris Gellert - PT/Sportsphysio, MPT, CSCS, C-IASTM, NASM-CPT CEO Physical Therapist/Personal Trainer/Educator/Consultant 

Pinnacle Training Consulting Systems 

“My passion is post-rehabilitation…human movement…how the body works from the inside out.” 

“The future of fitness will have some kind of standards…provide a career and invest in longevity.” 

It’s time for another awesome episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with Brian and Christine, the fit craziest people you know! Today, it’s time to welcome an awesome guest joining the show from Cape Cod, Massachusetts by the name of Chris Gellert. Grab a seat and be prepared to be inspired by a super passionate and experienced post-rehab and human movement trailblazer. After leaving a career in advertising, Chris reveals why he chose to return to school to become a physical therapist and movement expert, as well why he was drawn to create advanced education for fitness professionals. Chris also discusses his vision for the future of the fitness industry, and why he feels it is his mission to help raise the standards and level of respect for all fitness professionals. Whether you are a physical therapist, personal or group fitness trainer, or simply someone looking to hire a fitness pro to help you achieve your rehabilitation or fitness goals, this episode is for you! Learn more about Chris and his courses that offer tons of continuing education credits at 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazy!

Brian and Christine

#twofitcrazies #podcast #entrepreneur #physicaltherapist #personaltrainer #CapeCod #physio #NASM #AFAA #IDEA #ISSA #IDEA #passionandscience #australia #GoodLife #Crunch #Equinox #ClubOne #postRehab #ACE #GregCook #FitnessTogether #Longevity #Fitness #Fitpro #Rehabilitation #Pinnacle #consulting #HumanMovement #injury #educate #fit #future 

Alison Rootberg - Founder of Wellness4Every1 and Steve Feinberg , New York Director of Wellness4Every1 - Episode 268

Episode 268 - Founder of Wellness4Every1 with Steve Feinberg
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 268 - Alison Rootberg - Founder of Wellness4Every1 and Steve Feinberg , New York Director of Wellness4Every1 


“Our mission is to increase awareness of the inequalities in the wellness industry and provide opportunities for diverse communities to have access to quality arts and wellness programming, as well as a space for social and emotional well-being…Our vision is to improve the overall health and wellness of our community by expanding our understanding of health to include exercise, nutrition, and philanthropy.” 

It’s time for another awesome episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with your favorite “fit crazies,” Brian and Christine! Today, we welcome back a man who is no stranger to our airwaves, THE “Speedball Steve” Feinberg. However, Steve is joining us today to help support and introduce the CEO of Wellness4Every1, Alison Rootberg. Calling in from Chicago, the amazing Alison will shed some light on her groundbreaking project aimed at bringing physical and mental health and wellness to schools across the country! Listen up as she delves into the “why” behind Wellness4Every1, and how she came to implement countless programs such as dance, yoga, boxing, culinary arts, meditation and more to underserved Chicago schools through grants, sponsorships, and private funding. Alison Rootberg is on a mission to

change lives and is currently opening up Wellness4Every1 programs in Connecticut, in New York (with the help of Steve Feinberg), in New Jersey (with the help of the Two Fit Crazies), and she is just getting started! To find out more about how to bring Wellness4Every1 into a school near you or how to sponsor a Wellness4Every1 program, visit “...because everyone deserves to be more well.” 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! 

Christine and Brian

www.Two Fit

Wellness4Every1 Links: 


Facebook: @wellness4every1 

Instagram: @wellnessforevery1 


#twofitcrazies #podcast #entrepreneur #Wellness4Every1 #ShapeAmerica #Schools #kids #physicaleducation #grants #dance #yoga #boxing #SEL #diversity #equity #inclusion #culinaryarts #empowerment #socialemotionallearning #DEI #mentalhealth #wellness #learn #publicschools #teachers #fun #movement #testscores #opportunity

Angie Miller, MS., LCMHC, RYT ® 200 - Global Fitness and Wellness Educator, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist, Speaker, Host of NASM’s Strong Minds, Strong Body Podcast - Episode 264

Episode 264 - Angie Miller, MS., LCMHC, RYT ® 200 - Global Fitness and Wellness Educator, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist, Speaker, Host of NASM’s Strong Minds, Strong Body Podcast, Writer, Creator of the Emotional Motion Midlife Transformation Program.
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 264 - Angie Miller, MS., LCMHC, RYT ® 200 - Global Fitness and Wellness Educator, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist, Speaker, Host of NASM’s Strong Minds, Strong Body Podcast, Writer, Creator of the Emotional Motion Midlife Transformation Program. 

“The best way to feel good is to do what makes you feel good…do it more and more!” 

“It’s not my job to fix people, it’s their job to fix themselves.” 

“All things in life that matter most take time and tenacity.” 

In this episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone podcast, it is time to reevaluate the state of your mental and physical health! Let’s welcome, the one, the only, Angie Miller. As a licensed clinical mental health therapist and veteran in the fitness industry, Angie is on a mission to bridge the gap between the body and the mind by educating the world about the countless benefits of exercise to fight anxiety, increase focus, decrease depression, improve confidence, and much more. Today, Angie shares a

personal story of her evolution from elementary school teacher and fitness instructor, to mental health therapist, host of NASM’s STRONG MINDS, STRONG BODY Podcast, and creator of Angie Miller Fitness. Listen closely while Angie unpacks some of the most effective ways to communicate and educate clients about the power of the mind in order to create a mindset of success, resiliency and happiness. If you have been questioning whether or not starting an exercise program could affect your mood and allow you to feel strong and healthy from the inside and out, this episode is for you! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! 

Brian and Christine

Podcast: Strong Minds Strong Body (sponsored by NASM) 


Strong Mind, Strong Body on Apple Podcasts 

Health Blog | Angie Miller Fitness 

Social Media Handles: 

Insta @angiemillerfitness 

Facebook: @angiemillerfit 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #entrepreneur #NASM #AFAA #courage #anxiety #bodyconfidence #tenacity #selflove #selfcompassion #selfcare #selfrespect #emotionalhealth #emotionalwellness #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #mentalhealthtips #mentalhealthsupport #anxietysupport #copingskills #healthyboundaries #knowyourworth #fitmind #healthymind #womenshealth #midlifehealth #midlifewomen #angiemillerfitness #mindandbodyhealth #healthyinsideandout #mentalhealththerapist #fitnesseducator #counselorsofinstagram 

Paul Landini - Personal Trainer, Health Educator, Writer and Strength and Conditioning Coach - Episode 259

Episode 259 - Paul Landini - Personal Trainer, Health Educator, Writer and Strength and Conditioning Coach
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 259 - Paul Landini - Personal Trainer, Health Educator, Writer and Strength and Conditioning Coach


“The fulfillment in your life has to come from somewhere…be honest…”

“You get better at a job by what happens outside the job…learning, following-up...” - Paul Landini


While spring is making its first appearances at the Jersey shore for the Two Fit Crazies, just outside of Toronto the weather remains freezing for today’s guest, Paul Landini. In this episode, Paul, a Canadian rockstar personal trainer, writer, and fitness educator, shares his journey from “quitting his job and going all in” to following his passion for fitness and starting his own company. With a background in journalism and a desire to change lives, Paul discusses how he combined his love of writing and his love of personal training to create the fitness business of his dreams! Listen closely as Paul reveals how writing weekly blogs and authoring articles for the Globe and Mail, one of Canada’s leading newspapers, allowed him the exposure and credibility needed to grow his client base and increase client retention. Regardless of your profession, Paul knows that “fulfillment in your life has to come from somewhere,” and until you find what “fills your cup,” you will miss the most important things in life. Read Paul’s blogs and articles at

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian


Links and Info:

LinkedIn: @mrpaullandini



#podcast #fitcrazie #fitpros #twofitcrazies #Toronto #Canada #Journalist #writer #plantbased #BarryBonds #HurricaneHank #personaltrainer #fitpro #strength #conditioning #boxing #martialarts #MikeTyson #LennoxLewis #TheGlobeAndMail #hardskills #softskills #entrepreneur #LiftRunBang #Carter #blog #business #fulfillment #BangFitness #YMCA #canfitpro


Elizabeth Lenart - International Fitness Educator and Presenter, National Educator for Balletone®. - Episode 222

Episode 222 - Elizabeth Lenart - International Fitness Educator and Presenter
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 222 - Elizabeth Lenart - International Fitness Educator and Presenter, National Educator for Balletone®, Senior National Master Trainer for BOSU, Tabata Bootcamp™, Kamagon, Surge and Barre Above®.


“I am thrilled that education has grown…I love being able to be super inclusive and body positive.”

“The pandemic has allowed us more freedom and opportunities for collaboration.” -Elizabeth Lenart


Welcome to the FIRST EVER Two Fit Crazies and Microphone Podcast where Brian and Christine are hosting this amazing show from separate locations. While the two crazies are temporarily quarantined from one another, it will not stop them from conducting an amazing interview with a super talented, smart, and beautiful international fitness educator by the name of Elizabeth Lenart. Joining the show from Massachusetts, Elizabeth talks about what “fires her up” and how she was able to thrive in the fitness industry despite a world-wide pandemic. Listen carefully as Elizabeth reveals how she was able to overcome a massive spinal fusion at the age of 13 that left her with two metal rods in her spine. What would appear to be an extreme obstacle for so many, Elizabeth realized that this was a great experience that would help ignite her passion for movement and turn it into a successful career. With a degree in guidance and counselling, along with decades of experience educating, writing programs, presenting, and speaking at fitness conferences around-the-globe, Elizabeth Lenart is changing lives with her messages of inclusivity and body positivity. If you have yet to experience this rock star instructor live via ZOOM or in person, you are missing out! If you want more of Elizabeth, check out one of her Balletone® classes, trainings, workshops, or follow her on social media! 


Stay Healthy! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian



Facebook Elizatbeth Lenart

Insta: @ElizabethLenartFitness



LTC (Ret) Bryan Price, Ph.D - Founder of Top Mental Game, Director – Buccino Leadership Institute, Seton Hall University - Episode 220

Episode 220 - LTC (Ret) Bryan Price, Ph.D - Founder of Top Mental Game
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 220 - LTC (Ret) Bryan Price, Ph.D - Founder of Top Mental Game, Director – Buccino Leadership Institute, Seton Hall University, ICF-certified Leadership coach, West Point graduate/professor, Stanford Ph.D, Attack helicopter pilot, Division-I baseball player/coach

“Your mindset is your best asset.”

“Everyone is battling a narrative…in some cases it’s limiting, in some cases it’s liberating.”

-Bryan Price

Get ready “fit crazie” fans! The Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast welcomes back the Top Mental Game expert himself, Bryan Price! If you missed episode #101, it is time to go back and listen to Bryan share one amazing story that began during his years at West Point before he flew attack helicopters, attained a Ph. D from Stanford, became a noted author, and went on to brief some of the top government officials on counter-terrorism. As if Bryan was not already one of the most amazing humans in the world, his post-military life is nothing less than extraordinary! Since his last appearance on the show, Bryan’s mission to help others unlock greatness and maximize their potential through mindset and mental skills coaching has skyrocketed! Listen closely as Bryan takes a deep dive into the power of mental performance training as it relates to the success of competitive athletes of all ages and skill levels. Bryan also reveals tons of awesome tips and techniques that are featured in his latest work, The Blueprint. This three-part program is broken down into how to best prepare, perform and persevere to “have your mental game work for you, not against you!” Bryan Price is a master at teaching the mental skillset used by world-renowned athletes and he is ready to help you make “your mindset your best asset.”

Visit and use the code CRAZY for 50% The Blueprint!

Stay Healthy! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian

Bryan Price/Top Mental Game Notes and Links:

Facebook: Top Mental Game

Insta: Top Mental Game


50% discount link to The Blueprint:

Course: Blueprint (50% off with Code: Crazy)

Seton Hall University- Buccino Leadership Institute:

CPT Kristen Griest’s speech at West Point on resilience and mindset:

Maureen (Mo) Hagan - COO for CanFitPro/Global Fitness Ambassador - Episode 216

Episode 216 - Mo Hagan - COO, CanFitPro
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 216 - Maureen (Mo) Hagan - COO for CanFitPro/Global Fitness Ambassador

Global Fitness Ambassador, Award-Winning International Fitness Professional, COO for CanFitPro, Creator of Women Who Influence, National Board Member for Prescription to Get Active, Founding Board Member with the Women in Fitness Network, Certified Physiotherapist and Author.

“When I was a young child, I was told I was the bossy twin…I wasn’t bossy, I was a leader.”

“I be me…I show up as my bold self…it’s not how much you do, but what you do to make an impact.” - Mo Hagan

Hold on to your hats everyone! The Two Fit Crazies are about to ignite your MO’jo, MO’tivate your mind, and inspire you to MO’VE your body with the one, the only, international fitness icon and world-renowned influencer, Mo Hagan! Joining the Fit Crazies from her home in London, Ontario, Mo shares a powerful story of how her strength, relentlessness, and multiple leaps of faith lead her to be bold and listen to her heart. Mo also discusses how she was able to identify her purpose in life at an incredibly early age when she was diagnosed with debilitating hip dysplasia and “refused to listen to people who said you will not be able to do things.” From that point on, Mo Hagan has never looked back. Listen closely as Mo reveals how she is redefining women’s roles in the fitness industry, making waves in bridging the gap between the medical and fitness industry with the Prescription to Get Active, and providing the best education for fitness professionals and beyond as the acting COO for CanFitPro. Get ready to take some notes and soak up tons of amazing advice from a woman who is sure to MO’ve you!

Stay Healthy and Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian

Mo Hagan Links and Info:

Facebook: Maureen Hagan

Insta: @mo_hagan



Dan Fradin - IMPACT WRAP - Episode 212

Episode 212 - Dan Fradin - IMPACT WRAP
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 212 - Dan Fradin - IMPACT WRAP


“You don’t get on a treadmill without knowing your speed, time, incline…

…Why hit a bag and not know what you are doing?”

“We build communities…provide business tools to owners…motivation you can measure.”

-Dan Fradin


In Episode 212, the Two Fit Crazies welcome back the amazing mastermind behind IMPACT WRAP, Dan Fradin! In Episode 127, Dan shared his story of how IMPACT WRAP went from being a pipedream he developed in his garage to the only heavy bag technology company in the world. Today, Dan is back to reveal his experience navigating IMPACT WRAP through a global pandemic that crippled a significant number of fitness business and companies around the world. Staying true to his belief in IMPACT WRAP and his “please doubt me” attitude, Dan discusses how changing his business model and focusing providing small business owners and fellow entrepreneurs value was the key to steering his company towards record growth. Listen closely as Dan reveals how solving problems for people that they did not even know they had, led IMPACT WRAP to solidify its technology in 132 gyms in 18 countries and counting. “You don’t get on a treadmill without knowing your speed, time, incline….so why hit a bag without knowing what you are doing? Take notes as Dan Fradin dishes out some amazing insight about the importance of remaining passionate, surrounding yourself with the right people, and remaining forever humble. Learn more about Dan and the power of IMPACT WRAP at!


Stay Healthy & Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian


Episode Links:


Social Media: @ImpactWrap

Dan’s Previous Episode 127:


Carol Scott - CEO of Conscious Body Consulting - Episode 207

Episode 206 - Carol Scott - CEO of Conscious Body Consulting
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 207 - Carol Scott - CEO of Conscious Body Consulting


“I’ve worn all the hats…worked up the ranks…started with grassroots gorilla marketing…”

“Fitness is a conduit to a spiritual awakening…unity, diversity, acceptance, tolerance…” - Carol Scott


The Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast welcomes a true fitness professional and fitness legend by the name of Carol Scott. On today’s episode, Carol joins the Fit Crazies from her home in the Hamptons to shed some light on how she was able to climb the ranks in the fitness industry and found ECA, the East Coast Alliance, later known as ECA World Fitness Alliance. Carol also talks about how she created the East Coach Instructor Training School based on the growing need to train, certify, and place fitness professionals in positions where they could best serve others. In addition, Carol discusses the impact that athletics and strong mentors like former Olympian, WNBA star and now professional coach, Nancy Lieberman, had on developing her resilient mindset at an early age. Carol, who is not shy about being inspired by STAR TREK’s Captain Kirk and his ability to “boldly go where no one has gone before” has no plans on slowing down. Seeing fitness as “a conduit to spiritual awakenings, unity, diversity, acceptance, tolerance, citizenship,” Carol’s predictions for the future of the fitness industry and her plans to build the Fitness Instructor Guild are unparalleled.

Grab a pen and get ready to take some notes!

Stay Healthy and Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian

Gail Bannister-Munn - Founder of The Bannister Method/Flexibility Specialist and Coach - Episode 206

Episode 206 - Gail Bannister-Munn - The Bannister Method
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 206 - Gail Bannister-Munn - Founder of The Bannister Method/Flexibility Specialist and Coach

“I’ve been raised by paying it forward…the things I live by are consistency, engagement and relevancy.”

“Look at your body as an instrument…you get good at it…the touch changes…the touch evolves…” -Gail Bannister-Munn



Instagram: @gailbmunn

Facebook: Gail Bannister Munn

LinkedIn: Gail Bannister Munn

Long Island Fitness Network:

Welcome to the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, a show that Brian now feels he can cut the recording on Christine if he does not like her introductory remarks. Aside from a small on-air tiff between the two crazies, today’s episode is “off the hook!” Joining the show from Long Island, Gail Bannister-Munn, Long Island fitness legend, educator, creator of the Bannister Method and the Long Island Fitness Network Group, and flexibility specialist for professional athletes, talks about how she was able to build a strong network and reputation in the fitness industry. Gail also discusses what it was like to be raised by an Indian mother and English father who believed that paying it forward was a way of life. And if you were wondering, Gail was an exceptionally talented runner in her day who just happens to hail from a some very decorated Bannisters, including distant uncle Sir Roger, the first man to run a mile in under 4 minutes and one super-fast nephew, Olympic Gold medalist Matthew Centrowitz Jr.


From training the JETS to being flown around-the-country to work with top NBA players, Gail has made quite a name for herself as a flexibility specialist. I guarantee you will have a few laughs listening to Gail share some of her crazy stories of working with pro-athletes and beyond!


Stay Healthy and Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian

Angelo Gingerelli – Strength and Conditioning Coach - Seton Hall University/Finish Strong: Resistance Training for Endurance Athletes, co-author - Episode 205

Episode 205 - Angelo Gingerelli – Strength and Conditioning Coach - Seton Hall University
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 205 - Angelo Gingerelli – Strength and Conditioning Coach - Seton Hall University/Finish Strong: Resistance Training for Endurance Athletes, co-author

“Lifting weights and being strong…if we can stay a little stronger… feel good about yourself when you finish…”

“After a decade teaching at the college level…there is a lack of knowledge about the human body.” - Angelo Gingerelli

Instagram: @finish_strong_book

2021 Here We Come! In this episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Brian and Christine welcome a New Jersey native by the name of Angelo Gingerelli. Currently in his 16th year as the Seton Hall University Strength and Conditioning Coach, Angelo reveals the current state of college athletics and how the athletes are able to stay in top shape in a virtual world. Angelo also discusses how a background in power and Olympic lifting, along with a decade of marathon running, has helped to elevate his understanding and ability to coach top male and female Division I athletes reach their potential. Listen closely as an extremely passionate Angelo delves into his strong belief that “lifting weights and being strong” is the foundation for every successful athlete. “How do you add strength training” Do not miss a sneak peek into Angelo’s new book, Finish Strong: Resistance Training for Endurance Athletes, due out in fall 2021. Let’s get strong!


Stay Healthy and Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian