Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

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Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

We are Where It's At!

With Personal Trainers/Coaches/Athletes Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast, aka Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone, discuss Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Running, Longevity, Vitality and Healthy People Doing Healthy Things. Guest Stars on the Regular!

Filtering by Tag: Fitness Profesionals

Tyler Valencia - President of KIPS (Kinesiology Institute for Performance Specialists) - Episode 350

Episode 350 - Tyler Valencia - President of KIPS (Kinesiology Institute for Performance Specialists) 

“My secret sauce is that I have a YouTube mentality…I am willing to learn the things…to  increase my digital footprint…” 

“I enjoy the process of content creation…the entrepreneurial side of business, the hustle, the late  nights…” -Tyler Valencia 

It’s time for the 2025 debut of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast! Heading into its  ninth year, Brian and Christine are pumped to welcome the president of KIPS, the Kinesiology  Institute for Performance Specialists, Tyler Valencia. Joining the show from his home in  Chandler, Arizona, Tyler is here to shed some light on the power of creating meaningful  collaborations in the fitness industry when it comes to brand awareness and exposure in the  online arena. Then, listen closely as Tyler shares his “special sauce” when it comes to building,  growing, maintaining, and profiting in an industry where many new businesses fail to last more  than a few years. You may even want to take notes as you listen to this raw and revealing peek into the inner works of some of the biggest fitness companies in the world. We cannot wait to  hear what you think! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian  

Tyler and KIPS sites and links:

Instagram: TylerValencia_ or @kips_online 

Facebook: Kinesiology Institute for Performance Specialists or Tyler Valencia 

YouTube: Tyler Valencia Fitness 


Greg Justice: Author, Speaker, Fitness Entrepreneur, Publisher, and Visionary - Episode 349

Episode 349 - Greg Justice: Author, Speaker, Fitness Entrepreneur, Publisher, and Visionary 

“I sell them life…lifestyle is not a destination…I’m in the business of making dreams come  true.” 

“I was inspired by a book I bought for .25 at a church…I had $40. and a new pair of running  shoes…I started walking door to door to get my first best client.” 

It’s time for the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with your favorite hosts, Brian  Prendergast and Christine Conti! Today, we are joined by one of the OGs of fitness himself,  Greg Justice! Listen up as Greg shares his amazing story of how he helped to “create a new  industry” along with guidance from the Godfather of Fitness, Jack LaLanne, and other fitness  icons like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno, Tony Horton (P90X), David Parisi, and more!  Greg also sheds some light on how he came to open his first gym, write 30+ books, form Scripts  Publishing Company, co-host Elaine LaLanne’s podcast, create a company with Tony Horton,  and most recently, compete on American Ninja Warrior. If you are looking for some amazing  advice on how to live a long, happy, healthy, and successful life, this episode is for you! And did  you know that “life begins at 60?” 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!!!

Christine and Brian 


Greg Justice Links and Contact Information:

Instagram: @gregjustice1 

LinkedIn: Greg Justice 

Facebook: Greg Justice 


You Tube: “Pass It On” Podcast 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer  #AmericanNinjaWarrior #NinjaWarrior #fitness #exercise #fitnessinstructor  #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #TonyHorton #LouFerrigno #P90X #JackLaLanne  #IHRSA #KCchiefs #AYCHealth #ChetHolmes #Vitality #longevity  #MarkWhalberg #ScriptsPublishing #ToddDurkin #IMPACT #Juicer #DanielGil  #vitality #ACSM #FITFIXNOW #entrepreneur #publishing #writer #author #train  #coach #NASM #ACE #ISSA #wellness

Fit Fix Now - New CEO Christine Conti and Founder Jane Curth - Episode 346

Episode 346 - Fit Fix Now - New CEO Christine Conti and Founder Jane Curth

“FITFIXNOW is one of the leading online continuing education platforms for busy fitness professionals to gain the knowledge and credits needed to keep ALL major certifications current! Convenient! Affordable! Accredited!” 

Today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast is a special one! Get excited because the Fit Crazies welcome back an amazing and successful female entrepreneur by the name of Jane Curth! As the founder of FITFIXNOW, one of the leading platforms for fitness professionals to gain continuing education in a convenient and affordable way, Jane is here to announce some BIG NEWS! If you have yet to hear, your very own “fit crazie,” Christine Conti has stepped into her new role as the CEO of FITFIXNOW! Listen up to hear how Jane turned a personal frustration into a successful online business! Then, find out the story behind the “passing of the torch” which would  allow Christine to lead FITFIXNOW boldly into the future! Whether you are a fitness professional, budding entrepreneur, or are looking for a little inspiration to turn your ideas into reality, this episode is for you! And if you are looking to uplevel your personal training, fitness business, or studio, get your next CEC’s at!

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! 

Christine and Brian

Fit Fix Now Links and Sites:

Facebook/Insta: @FITFIXNOW

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitpro #FITFIXNOW #exercise #fitnessenthusiast #NCAA #AFAA #ACE #NASM #ACSM #AAAI #ISSA #onlinetraining #fitpro #fitspo #fitnesscontinuingeducation #continuingeducation #personaltrainereducation #activeaging #mentalhealth #mindset #exercise #groupexercise #fitnessinstructor #fitnessbusiness #OTF #F45 #Equinox #NYSC #CRUNCHFitness #SoulCycle #BarrysBootcamp #pilates #yoga #strength #LesMills #CorePower #SymmetryAlignsmart #Rollga #Gliders #TRX #Kickboxing #Step #Running #Mindset #Coach360News #MuscleMixes #AtlantaTechVillage #FitnessCertification #Coach #Athlete #Cycle #AquaFitness

Emma Barry - Founder and Chief of Trouble at TROUBLE GLOBAL 0 Episode 343

Episode 343 - Emma Barry - Founder and Chief of Trouble at TROUBLE GLOBAL

“Trouble is the little piece of you that needs to rise up…disrupting the status quo…challenging your belief system…”

“I was born to be global…I believe that intense joy, passion, love, success and freedom is yours for the taking. You just have to find and ignite your inner trouble.”

Today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast is pure trouble! That’s right! Whenever Emma Barry is around, she is bound to cause a ruckus! This Kiwi girl, born in London, now living in LA, is ready to share some amazing insights about her life! From breaking into the fitness industry with powerhouse companies like Les Mills and Equinox, to how she came to be known by many in the industry as “the Oprah of Health & Fitness,” this episode is a must hear! Listen up as Emma shares her views on the future of fitness as it relates to the increasing reliance on tech and AI. Then, it’s time to discover why Emma has become such a coveted business consultant and speaker for companies around-the-globe. Driven by “a relentless quest for the world’s best,” Emma’s “explosive boldness, infectious energy, and pure inspiration,” will provide you with just what you need to get you off your ass and change everything for the better! Find out how to get into more trouble with Emma at the expletives in this episode are included with no added cost! 

Let’s start some trouble! 

Christine and Brian 

Emma Barry Links and Sites:

Instagram: @emmabarryistrouble  or @emmabarry_gfa

LinkedIn: Emma Barry 

Facebook: Emma Barry


#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #exercisephysiologist #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #LesMills #Kiwi #NewZealand #Aussie #London #BodyPump #BodyStep #Bodycombat #canfitpro #trouble #equinox #consulting #canfitpro #boutiquegyms #corporatewellness #tech #wearables #AI #fitnessconventions #Oprah #disrupter #slippers #petticoat #Bold 

The Two Fit Crazies and Loyalty - Episode 332

Episode 332 - The Two Fit Crazies and Loyalty

There are 3 types of people that come into your life. There are those who are like the leaves on trees that show up for a season, but when the weather (or things) gets tough, they fall off and disappear. Then, there are the types of people that are like branches. These people can be strong and stay around for longer than the “leaves,” but they may not last forever; They may not be able to hold you up if you need support, and they may even break. However, the third type of person is the “root.” This person may not always be visible to others or out in the spotlight, but they are always there. They support you, hold you up, and help to keep you from falling no matter what you may encounter. The roots are YOUR people! 

So why are you telling me this story? 

Today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast take a deep dive into the power of being a “root” in life, as well as the importance of surrounding yourself with strong “roots.” In addition, Christine and Brian cannot wait to tell you about all their latest travels, racing, and chaos! Who is breaking records? Who stole Christine’s medal from the C & O Canal 100-mile race? Where are these two fit crazies headed next! Listen up for more!

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #conference #fitness #business #IHRSA #canfitpro #ACSM #womenshealth  #marathon #onepercentbetter #run # #ICAA #Rollga #Burnalong #njshore #tfcproductions #brick #track #USTAF #NASM #FitFixNow #100MileRace #Leaves #Branches #roots #retreat #nationals #steeplechase #PR #breakingrecords #adidas #newbalance #nike #BeARoot #UnitedAirlines #ironman #triathlete #SpringLake5 #MemorialDay #Summer #JerseyShore

The Two Fit Crazies Catch Up - Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast aka Two Fit Crazies - Episode 327

Episode 327 - The Two Fit Crazies Catch Up - Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast aka Two Fit Crazies

The Two Fit Crazies Take on March Madness and Youth Sports

On today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, it is time for a “Two Fit Crazie Catch-up!” Brian and Christine sit down to talk about their most recent crazy events and fill you in on all the latest chaos! From March Madness predictions to Brian’s most recent struggles with trying to understand over-the-top youth coaches, this episode is sure to make you rethink your views on humanity! However, before you have the chance to truly second guess yourself, it’s time to start getting excited! The 128th Boston Marathon is just a few short weeks away! Pretty soon, the Fit Crazies will be back on Boylston Street chasing unicorns in the name of health! Brian’s superhuman speed will once again be on display while Christine seeks her 11th consecutive Boston Marathon start to raise awareness for the Alzheimer’s Association and act as a guide for Chris Nikic’s Team 1% Better. Catch us if you can!

Stay Fit! Stay Crazy! 

Christine and Brian

TFC Sites and Links:  

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #conference #fitness #business #IHRSA #canfitpro #ACSM #womenshealth #baseball #basketball #wrestling #marchmadness #NCAA #GoTerps #Brackets #upsets #bracketbuster #finalfour #coaches #youthsports #Bostonmarathon #run #track #travel #schools #ProfessionalDevelopment #speaker #author #Symmetry #running #OnePercentBetter #fun

Dr. Darian Parker - 2023 IDEA World Personal Trainer of the Year/Co-Owner of Epic Leisure Management LLC./Owner of Parker Personal Training LLC. - Episode 322

Episode 322 - Dr. Darian Parker - 2023 IDEA World Personal Trainer of the Year, Co-Owner of Epic Leisure Management LLC., Owner of Parker Personal Training LLC., Adjunct Faculty, and Host of Dr. D’s Social Network Podcast

“I want my colleagues to be in the industry for the long term…If we want to make a difference, it’s on us!” -Dr. Darian Parker

Welcome to a gathering of greatness on the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast! If you are a Ghostbuster’s fan, you will understand why Christine refers to Darian as the “key master” while she is the “gatekeeper.”  Joining the show from his home in Colorado, Dr. Darian Parker is here to shed some light on how his passion for fitness and changing lives led to world-wide recognition in July when he accepted one of the most prestigious awards in fitness. You heard it right! Darian is the 2023 IDEA World Personal Trainer of the Year, and Christine was lucky enough to be by his side to watch his receive it while she accepted the 2023 Fitness Instructor of the Year! In this episode, expect to hear valuable advice for every fitness professional or aspiring fit pro about how to “be in the industry for the long term.” From grassroots networking and mentorships, to connecting with fellow professionals, Dr. Darian and the Two Fit Crazies are ready to discuss the future of fitness! Grab a pen and take some notes, or better, head to the IDEA/ASCM Fitness Summit in Chicago, Illinois this February and catch Dr. Darian and Christine live! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!!!

Christine and Brian 

Dr. Darian Parker: Links and Sites:

Facebook and LinkedIn: Darian Parker


Podcast: Dr. Darian’s Social Network

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #conference #fitness #business #speaker #strength #ACSM #winner #AFAA #ACE #NASM #Network #relationships #podcasting #doctordarianparker #sprinter #bethechange #drdarianssocialnetwork #running #military #gardening #JMU #UNLV #exercisescience #consulting #luxuryfitness #colorado #keymaster #ghostbusters #gatekeeper #speak #educate 

IRHSA 2023 San Diego Recap with the Two Fit Crazies - Episode 296

Episode 296 - IRHSA 2023 San Diego Recap with the Two Fit Crazies

Just like that, IHRSA 2023 is in the books! In this episode, the Two Fit Crazies recap their whirlwind of a trip to San Diego for the biggest fitness business convention in the world. In fact, the Fit Crazies discuss their role in the first-ever IHRSA Podcast and Author’s Row where they were promoting the podcast, TFC Productions, and Christine’s book, SPLIT-SECOND COURAGE. From networking and podcasting, to reconnecting with fellow fitness rock stars and parties, this episode delves into some of the most memorable moments from this year’s conference! Join the Fit Crazies as they explain the importance of “being in the room” as they navigate the expo hall and the countless social events throughout the week! Then, be sure to listen closely as Brian reveals how he really feels about the business of fitness and learn why Christine is so excited about her bull-riding accolades. If you have been yearning to hear more crazy antics from these two crazies, this episode is for you!  

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian



Podcast: Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Instagram: @twofitcrazies

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitness #fba #wifa #TRX #matrix #beaverfit #abcsoultions #boutiquefitness #boutiquefitnessbusiness #fba #fitnessbusinesspodcast #halo #afaa #ace #idea #canfitpro #scwfit #fitfix #burnalong #rollga #IHRSA #sandiego #sandiegoconventioncenter #balboapark #run #bostonmarathon #fitness #fitpro #waterrower #garmin #technogym #navy #gaslampquarter #hardrockhotelsandiego #trainer #fitness #health #strength #lift #gymequipment #fitbodiesinc #hotbootyballet #fallproof #LA #structclub #musclemixesmusic #schwinn #thrive #lifefitness #kaiserbike #randyhatrick #IMPACT #ToddDurkin #NAVYSeal

#Gronk #Gronkowski #AppleWatch #FitBit #Cryo #

Dr. Edward Laskowski, M.D. - Exercise as Medicine - Episode 294

Episode 294 - Dr. Edward Laskowski, M.D. - Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Division of Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Former Co-Director: Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine

“Don’t forget the foundation. Movement is medicine.”

“If we had a pill that could emulate the effects of exercise, it would be the best-selling pill in the world.”

It’s time for some action! You heard it right! The Two Fit Crazies are excited to bring you the amazing Dr. Ed Laskowski to speak about one of our favorite topics, “exercise is medicine!” Today’s show will shed some light on the power of exercise as it relates to preventing and fighting disease. As the co-director of sports medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for over 30-years, and a former member of the president’s council under George W. Bush and Barak Obama, Dr. Laskowski shares groundbreaking statistics and evidence-based research that validates the powerful effects of exercise on the body and the mind. Listen as Dr. Laskowski unpacks the most current research that reveals “exercise is 800 times more powerful” than anything else you can do when it comes to fighting disease. From physiological to psychological benefits, Dr. Laskowski has made it his mission in life to research and educate the world about the power of including foundational movements in your daily routine. Whether you are a fitness professional, medical professional, caregiver, or someone looking to live a longer, more healthy life, this episode is a must! It’s time to accept the fact that “exercise is medicine!”

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitness #MayoClinic #longevity #healthspan #lifespan #research #arthritis #sportsmedicine #sleep #nutrition #wellness #rejenerativemedicine #obesity #comorbidities #chronicdisease #fallprevention #cancer #osteoarthritis #GeorgeWBush #Obama #healthcare #presidentscouncil #foundationalmovements #medicine #ACL #PublicHealth #ProjectPlay #inclusivity #ACSM #ACE #AFAA #SCWFitness #keynote #fitpros #doctors #ALZ #dementia #Parkinsons #Depression #anxiety #exercise #activity #stability 

Debbie Bellenger - Consultant/Educator/Presenter/Wellness Advocate/Program Developer - Episode 292

Episode 292 - Debbie Bellenger - Consultant/Educator/Presenter/Wellness Advocate/Program Developer

“I ground myself in my desire to help people…My greatest attribute is my heart.”

“…redefine the role of a fitness professional to a wellness professional…we are the solution…”

Welcome to yet another EPIC episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with special guest and fitness icon, Debbie Bellenger! This Ontario native relocated to the United States in the 90’s and spent the last few decades working in various cities researching and collaborating with medical professionals while serving as a health and wellness director for health clubs, gyms, hospitals, medical fitness facilities and corporations. Today, Debbie is here to open the dialogue about the importance of shifting the role of the “fitness professional to a wellness professional.” After decades of experience in the fitness industry developing wellness programs alongside physicians, orthopedics, and dieticians, Debbie believes the fitness industry is “missing the mark.” Listen closely as she explains why there is a dire need for qualified and passionate wellness professionals, and how it is up to us to rise to the occasion. This episode might just be the “call to action” that you have been waiting for! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian 

Debbie Bellenger - Websites and Information


Instagram:    @debbie.bellenger

Facebook: Debbie.Bellenger

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitness #canfitpro #debbiebellenger #idea #heart #doctors #medicalfitness #wellness #lifecoach #clubindustry #PCP #burnout #obesity #research #sittingisthenewsmoking #chronicdisease #chronicconditions #mayoclinic #medical #ontario #Gilad #deniseaustin #parksandrecreation #YMCA #caroMont #MedicalFitnessAssociation #groupexercise #rehabilitation #employeewellness #corporatewellness #splitsecondcourage

The Two Fit Crazies Talk 2023 - Episode 290

Episode 290 - The Two Fit Crazies Talk 2023

“What do you have planned for 2023?”

“It’s time to rethink New Year Resolutions and start making New Year’s Intentions.”

Happy 2023! The Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast are excited to bring you yet another year of everything fitness, nutrition, health, inspiration, and fun! Join Christine and Brian as they reveal some of their crazy new plans to change the world in 2023! It’s time to reimagine the way you think about New Year’s resolutions, and instead, start setting some serious New Year’s intentions! If you want to live a more fulfilling and happier life, it’s time to get uncomfortable! Run that race! Be your own boss! Give back to your community! Organize that fundraiser! Be the change you wish to see in the world and live without regrets! If you are wondering how the Two Fit Crazies do it, listen up and take some notes! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Two Fit Crazies

Christine and Brian


Instagram:    @twofitcrazies  

Facebook: Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

#twofitcrazies #podcast #NewYear #resolutions #intentions #JSFRunners #Africa #ReinventingTheWoman2023 #retreat #run #BostonMarathon #running #IRONMAN #triathlon #Disney #Nike #fitness #health #wellness #train #mindset #mindful #happiness #mentalhealth #nutrition #wellness #inspire #IDEA #family #travel #chronicdisease #exerciseismedicine #move #brainhealth #smile #friends #BeYourOwnBoss #Fun

Trina Gray - Owner of Bay Athletic Club and Founder of Team Rockstar - Episode 269

Episode 269 - Trina Gray - Owner of Bay Athletic Club and Founder of Team Rockstar 

“Learn to move through struggle faster…feel it, look at it, embrace it. Feel all the feelings and move forward.” 

“Be willing to show up HARD where you are right now…be noticed…be her now!” 

You are in for a treat! Today, the Two Fit Crazies welcome the amazing entrepreneur and fitness and wellness trailblazer, Trina Gray. Joining the show from her home overlooking Lake Huron in northern Michigan, Trina is about to unleash some powerful lessons learned over the past few decades that allowed her the ability to “show up calm and confident” to all that life had to throw at her. Listen carefully as Trina reveals how she was able to draw the strength and courage to leave her journalism career, move to a new state, start multiple businesses, and care for two young children. While Trina claims she was born with a certain decisiveness, she believes that her love for collaboration over competition has been a key factor in her success at building two successful fitness clubs in Michigan and her world-wide coaching success with BeachBody. To learn more about Trina, her speaking events, fitness clubs, BeachBody coaching, or even a bit more about her collaborations with the honorary “Fit Crazie,” Todd Durkin, take some notes as you listen to this episode or visit

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian

Two Fit Crazies

Trina Gray Sites and Links:

Fit Website: 

Facebook: Trina Gray 

Instagram: @trinagray 


#twofitcrazies #podcast #entrepreneur #trina gray #beachbody #coach #mentor #woman #mastermind #todddurkin #bay athletic club #michigan #impact #leader #behernow #brendonburchard #highperformancehabits #fitcrazie #IDEA #BetterNow #AliBrown #GlambitionRadio #BusinessCoach #speaker #lakehuron #SCW #RobinSharma #TheMonkWhoSoldHisFarrari #DarrenHardy #TheCompoundEffect #SplitSecondCourage #UniversityofWisconsin #badgers #teambuilding 

Mac Carvalho - Professional Fitness Trainer and Presenter - Episode 267

Episode 267 - Mac Carvalho - Professional Fitness Trainer and Presenter

“Be unapologetically yourself”

“…the minute you stop growing as a human is the minute you stop thriving.”

It’s time for a huge dose of energy from yet another fantastic Fit Crazie guest by the name of Mac Carvalho! Joining the show from New Bedford, Massachusetts, Mac is going to drop some major fitness and marketing advice that you just can’t “afford” to miss! Growing up a dance enthusiast, Mac knew that movement and music was his true passion. However, after working a plethora of unfulfilling jobs in various industries, one simple, but scary decision to get ZUMBA certified, changed the entire course of his life! Today, Mac shares his journey from teaching group fitness classes and attending conferences, to becoming a master trainer and presenting on some of the biggest fitness stages in the United States. Mac even discusses what it takes to run the social media for SCW Fitness and how he has his eyes set on launching his own programs in the near future. After this episode, I guarantee you will start following Mac on social media and be inspired by his “fit crazie” energy to start living “unapologetically yourself!”


Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Brian and Christine

Two Fit Crazies




Facebook: Mac Carvalho

Insta: @mactiv8


#twofitcrazies #podcast #entrepreneur #LaBlast #WaterInMotion #SCW #scwfit

#presenter #fitness #fitpro #trainer #live #whyfitin #HighFitness #style #fashion

#BodyPump #LesMills #dance #fitspo #BoogieBar #Piloxing #Pound #YMCA

#BeachBody #ZUMBA #BetsyJohnson #Terez #WaterInMotion #SCWMania

#HighFitness #intervaltraining #barre #dancing #leggings #energy #bold #colorful

The Two Fit Crazies Are At It Again! - Episode 266

Episode 266 - The Two Fit Crazies Are At It Again! 

“Yes. You Can!” Christine

When the Two Fit Crazies get together for a show, it never disappoints! Today, Brian and Christine ditch the guests for a whole lot of fun and laughs as they catch you up on their latest crazy adventures in the name of health and wellness! Newly back from coaching his track team at the iconic Penn Relays, find out why Brian is now giving a passionate lecture about going to the cardiologist and swearing to run Boston every year going forward. In addition, learn why Christine is sending embarrassing text messages to strangers, as well as why she feels she should just hang up her sneakers after running in her 9th consecutive Boston Marathon. “I think I am good!” If you are looking for a few laughs, tons of inspiration, or maybe you simply want to make yourself feel a bit more sane, then this episode is for you! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Brian and Christine

Social Media Handles: 

Insta @twofitcrazies 

Facebook: @TwoFitCraziesandamicrophonepodcast 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #entrepreneur #track #sprinter #distance #PennRelays #poopingontables #parties #houseguests #BostonMarathon #ShalaneFlanagan #TeamAchilles #Kenyans #runners #nike #wonderwoman #Alzheimers #TeamALZ #cardiologist #hearthealth #dontdropthebaton #kids #parents #laugh #healthy #mindset #Boston #Ironman #HUMA #splitsecondcourage #author #agewithgrace #ageless #runstreak #yesyoucan #teamhoyt #pushchair @woundedwarrior #inspiration 

Angie Miller, MS., LCMHC, RYT ® 200 - Global Fitness and Wellness Educator, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist, Speaker, Host of NASM’s Strong Minds, Strong Body Podcast - Episode 264

Episode 264 - Angie Miller, MS., LCMHC, RYT ® 200 - Global Fitness and Wellness Educator, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist, Speaker, Host of NASM’s Strong Minds, Strong Body Podcast, Writer, Creator of the Emotional Motion Midlife Transformation Program. 

“The best way to feel good is to do what makes you feel good…do it more and more!” 

“It’s not my job to fix people, it’s their job to fix themselves.” 

“All things in life that matter most take time and tenacity.” 

In this episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone podcast, it is time to reevaluate the state of your mental and physical health! Let’s welcome, the one, the only, Angie Miller. As a licensed clinical mental health therapist and veteran in the fitness industry, Angie is on a mission to bridge the gap between the body and the mind by educating the world about the countless benefits of exercise to fight anxiety, increase focus, decrease depression, improve confidence, and much more. Today, Angie shares a

personal story of her evolution from elementary school teacher and fitness instructor, to mental health therapist, host of NASM’s STRONG MINDS, STRONG BODY Podcast, and creator of Angie Miller Fitness. Listen closely while Angie unpacks some of the most effective ways to communicate and educate clients about the power of the mind in order to create a mindset of success, resiliency and happiness. If you have been questioning whether or not starting an exercise program could affect your mood and allow you to feel strong and healthy from the inside and out, this episode is for you! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! 

Brian and Christine

Podcast: Strong Minds Strong Body (sponsored by NASM) 


Strong Mind, Strong Body on Apple Podcasts 

Health Blog | Angie Miller Fitness 

Social Media Handles: 

Insta @angiemillerfitness 

Facebook: @angiemillerfit 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #entrepreneur #NASM #AFAA #courage #anxiety #bodyconfidence #tenacity #selflove #selfcompassion #selfcare #selfrespect #emotionalhealth #emotionalwellness #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #mentalhealthtips #mentalhealthsupport #anxietysupport #copingskills #healthyboundaries #knowyourworth #fitmind #healthymind #womenshealth #midlifehealth #midlifewomen #angiemillerfitness #mindandbodyhealth #healthyinsideandout #mentalhealththerapist #fitnesseducator #counselorsofinstagram 

Dre Baldwin - Best-Selling Author, Podcaster, 4x TEDxTalks, Entrepreneur, Business and Professional Development Coach - Episode 262

Episode 262 - Dre Baldwin - Best-Selling Author, Podcaster, 4x TEDxTalks, Entrepreneur, Business and Professional Development Coach


“99% of your life you don’t control...take control of the 1%, but take full control over it.”

“100% of the time, focus on the 1%.” Dre Baldwin


Are you ready to separate yourself from the amateurs and embrace the “PRO” that you are? In this episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Dre Baldwin, AKA “Dre All Day,” is going to share some powerful secrets to take control over the 1% of your life that you actually control. From growing up in Philly and playing Division III collegiate basketball to getting drafted to play professional ball in Europe, Dre has figured out what it takes to rise above the competition! With a background in business and a passion for learning, it is no surprise that Dre’s ability to “learn how to play the game” has translated into his best-selling books, TedX Talks, personal development events, and successful business ventures. Listen up as Dre deconstructs what it means to have a “high-level of disagreeability” in order to “go against the grain” and work towards proving yourself right! This episode might just be the catalyst to tap into that 1% of your life that can change everything! To find out more about Dre, his life-changing books, or his next virtual and live events, visit, or


Stay Fit! Stay Crazy!

Brian and Christine

Two Fit Crazies




Social Media Handles:

Kindly use this link for our Free book, The Third Day: (we

have a 3- and 10-book options too for gifting books!)

Dre's upcoming event Work On Your Game LIVE is here: http://WorkOnYourGame.LIVE

And here's the link for the FREE 30-minute "Game Session" specifically for our listeners:

And Dre's text number to get his FREE #DailyMotivation text: 1.305.384.6894


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#yesyoucan #splitsecondcourage #workonyourgame #mentality #tonyrobbins

#basketball #personalitytraits #disagreeability #exposurecamp #PennStateAltoona

#miami #philly #showup #Zigzigler #RichDadPoorDad #RobertGreen

#personaldevelopment #onepercent #europe #disagree #NapoleonHills #SteveJobs

#JeffBesos #agents #workonyourgame #thethirdday

Mark Nutting, Jiva Fitness Co-Owner, Master Trainer/Instructor, Author, Speaker, MedFit Network Business Success Mastermind Coach - Episode 255

Episode 255 - Mark Nutting, Jiva Fitness Co-Owner, Master Trainer/Instructor, Author, Speaker, MedFit Network Business Success Mastermind Coach, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D, RCPT*E, ACSM HFD, ACSM HFS, USAW Sports Performance Coach, CrossFit Level 1 Instructor, etc.

“The biggest thing trainers are missing is business training.”

“Try not to think about sales as “sales,” but as helping the person…you have to learn to really listen…use open-ended questions…help them peel back their own layers.”

-Mark Nutting

The Two Fit Crazies welcome a real-life superhero to the show by the name of Mark Nutting! This 42-year veteran in the fitness industry will share his amazing journey that started in 1980 when he first found his passion for what is now known as medical fitness. Hold onto your hats, because Mark has easily lived ten lives since his days in college working with cardiac rehab clients. Today, Mark is a highly coveted business mastermind coach and world-wide fitness educator and industry speaker. While he never wavered in his love for exercise science, personal training, educating, and writing, he has quite the colorful background. For fifteen-years, Mark’s stint in New York City allowed him the opportunity to pursue his love of dance and live performance. From creating his own improvisation company, to auditioning for Phantom of the Opera, to working “undercover” for Marvel (yes, as in Marvel and superheroes), his life and business experience is unparalleled. As a result, Mark now leads valuable mastermind groups for those desperately seeking the business tools to succeed in the fitness industry and beyond! Reach out to Mark at any time at! Enjoy!

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian


Facebook and Instagram: Mark Nutting



MedFit Business Success Mastermind Group with Mark Nutting:


#podcast #fitcrazie #fitpros #JivaFitness #business #mastermind #listen #learn #clientretention #selling #sales #Marvel #Superhero #NYC #improve #NYSC #Boston #Maine #PA #MedFitNetwork #BoutiqueFitness #FILEX #SCWfit #presenter #health #fitness #Macys #personaltrainer #medicalfitness #specialist #mentor #businesscoach #ThomasPlummer #PhilKaplan #HumanKinetics

Kelly Coulter - Founder of Fit Pros Connect and Sell Out Your Workout Business Kickstart - Episode 253

Episode 253 - Kelly Coulter - Founder of Fit Pros Connect and Sell Out Your Workout Business Kickstart

“You have to master your organic game…know who you serve and what you do.” - Kelly Coulter

In this episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Brian and Christine welcome back the founder of Fit Pros Connect and creator of the Sell Out Your Workout Business Kickstart, Kelly Coulter. After creating two six-figure businesses, Kelly is here to share some valuable tips that are guaranteed to help jumpstart your fitness business in 2022. Have you mastered “your organic game” and are you using social media to your advantage? Are you guilty of sabotaging your sales through marketing techniques such as the “shirtless trainer” or the “thirsty messenger?” Better yet, are you wasting valuable time driving to and from the gym only to make $20. to teach a class? Have no fear! Kelly is going to provide some valuable insight into some of the most important lessons covered in her eight-week online coaching program. Grab a pen and paper because it is time to understand your value, be compensated for your worth, and create the business of your dreams. You can do it! 

To learn more about Kelly or enroll in a coaching program, visit and receive 20% off with Promo Code: TFC20

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian 



Facebook and Instagram: @fitprosconnect 

#podcast #fitcrazie #fitprosconnect #fitpros #fitnessbusiness #business #networking #coaching #businesscoaching #socialmedia #fitness #fitpro #fitspo #webinars #marketing #branding #entreprenuer 

Stephen P. Smith, CEO/Creator of HOTWORX - Episode 247

Episode 247 - Stephen P. Smith, CEO/Creator of HOTWORX


“You learn what you need to know when you need to know it.”

“HOTWORX is a recovery workout…actively recovering as you workout.”

-Stephen Smith


In this episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Brian and Christine welcome the CEO and creator of HOTWORX, Stephen P. Smith! Joining the show from southern Louisiana, Stephen takes us on a deep dive into the fascinating world of 3 dimensional training. What is that you may ask? HOTWORX is a virtually instructed program that combines heat, infrared and exercise to create a one of a kind fitness experience. Listen up as Stephen describes the benefits of exercising as “infrared heat penetrates your body causing you to sweat…isometric postures further accelerate detoxification by physically removing the toxins from your organs through muscle contraction.” Currently, HOTWORX has over 230 HOTWORX locations and 850 more are in development. It is no surprise that HOTWORX is quickly emerging as one of the fastest growing franchises in the United States and beyond! If you have yet to experience the benefits of infrared training, what are you waiting for? Stephen explains how in as little as 15-30 minutes you can “yoga, hot cycle, hot warrior, HIIT or row” your way fit! Check out to learn more, find a location near you, or invest in your own HOTWORX location.

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian



Facebook: HOTWORX

Instagram: @hotworx

Book: Hot Exercise: HOTWORX and the Bold New Infrared Fitness Frontier


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Bryce Henson - CEO of Fit Body Bootcamp - Episode 246

Episode 246 - Bryce Henson - CEO of Fit Body Bootcamp

“Our goal is to be the CHEERS of fitness…your home away from home…where everybody knows your name.” - Bryce Henson

In this episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Brian and Christine are joined by the amazing Bryce Henson! Bryce, the current CEO of Fit Body Bootcamp (FBBC), took the helm after working his way up through the company and joining forces with legendary FBBC entrepreneur, Bedros Keuilian. Today, Bryce will not only share his “why” behind owning and managing multiple successful Fit Body Bootcamp locations, but also discuss the time when he realized that fitness was also a catalyst to improve all aspects of life. Bryce will also walk you through what to expect at a Fit Body Bootcamp workout as well as the importance of incorporating HIIT training into your daily or weekly routines. With a “goal to be the CHEERS of fitness…where everybody knows your name,” Bryce believes that programs like Fit Body Bootcamp provide just the right combination of strength, cardio, nutrition, and accountability to make a lasting impact on all their members. Get ready for an awesome show with lots of fun antics along the way! We had a blast talking with Bryce Henson and we know you will enjoy hearing from him, too! And…if you have yet to try a Fit Body Bootcamp class, go to and search for a location near you! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian

Website: or 

Facebook: Fit Body Boot Camp or Bryce Henson
Instagram: @realbrycehenson 

LinkedIn: Bryce Henson

Podcast: Fitness Franchise Podcast

#podcast #fitcrazie #FitBodyBootCamp #Bootcamp #CEO #grouptraining #fitness #fitpro #franchise #michiganstate #fitnessfranchisepodcast #coach #strength #cardio #challenge #nutrition #accountability #winning #BedrosKeuilian #entrepreneur #software #marketing #confidence