Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

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Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

We are Where It's At!

With Personal Trainers/Coaches/Athletes Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast, aka Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone, discuss Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Running, Longevity, Vitality and Healthy People Doing Healthy Things. Guest Stars on the Regular!

Filtering by Category: Boutique Fitness

The Two Fit Crazies Celebrate Episode 300 of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast! - Episode 300

Episode 300 -  The Two Fit Crazies Celebrate Episode 300 of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast!

Let’s Celebrate 300 Episodes! Consistency is Key!

In this episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, the “Two Fit Crazies” celebrate their 300th episode! Talk about being consistent and showing up! Did you know that most podcasts don’t make it past their 10th episode? As for Christine and Brian, it’s time for a real, raw, and always hysterical view of the last 5 years together! There will be laughing. There will be cursing. There will be craziness! This is one of those episodes that you don’t want to miss! Christine gets fired up about what you really need to do to be “fit” and Brian provides deep thoughts about everything from running, traveling, and the Bible. You will have to listen to hear the rest of the chaos! Cheers to another 300 episodes! 


Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian

Instagram: @twofitcrazies

Facebook: Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitness #episodes #podcastrulers #IDEAWorld #IHRSA #AFAA #JoeStrummerFund #Run #Laugh #Rollga #RTW #Live #Fun #SCWfitness #Canfitpro #FitCrazie #Fitpro #lifecoach #retreat #coaching #highfivehealthandfitness #ContiFit #plantbased #bible #Jerseyshore #ShoreAC #KFG #triathlon #IRONMAN #wholefoods #GetSaltyBritches #FAI #SplitSecondCourage #track #spotify #apple #marathons #Africa #inspire #courage #showup 

Fit Crazie 2023 BOSTON MARATHON Rundown! - Episode 299

Episode 299 – Fit Crazie 2023 BOSTON MARATHON Rundown!

There is nothing better than being in the city of Boston on Patriot’s Day! For those non-runners out there, this is also known as “MARATHON MONDAY,” the day that 30,000+ hopeful runners toe the start line in Hopkinton, 26.2 miles away from the finish line! If you are tuning in today, Christine and Brian recount their experiences racing one of the greatest yet most grueling courses in the world. Find out Brian’s secrets to crushing this iconic marathon and run a sub three-hour race. Then, listen up as Christine talks about why you need to run on behalf of a charity (like the Alzheimer’s Association that she runs with each year), how you don’t need to complete long training runs, how you can take bathroom breaks, and most importantly, you can run fast times and feel good! If you want to hear the ins and outs of the Boston Marathon course from those who know and love it best, this episode is for you! Expect to laugh and learn a thing or two from the “fit crazies!”



Keep Chasing Unicorns!

Christine and Brian,



Instagram: @twofitcrazies

Facebook: Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast



#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitness #BostonMarathon #Boston #run #nike #brooks #wayout #africa #maurten #humagels #Hopkinton #race #hydrate #gatorade #NUUN #ChasingUnicorns #medals #ALZ #AlzheimersAssociation #Framingham #Natik #Runner #Wellesley #BostonCollege #HeartbreakHill #Newton #NewtonHills #newbalance #underarmour #saucony #recovery #mentalhealth

Sue Hitzmann - Creator of the Melt Method® and New York Times Best-Selling Author - Episode 298

Episode 298 -  Sue Hitzmann - Creator of the Melt Method® and New York Times Best-Selling Author

“We believe we are proactive, but the fitness industry is reactive.”

“Inflamed fascia can cause other issues…fascia is a tension compression management system.”

“I will quote my friend Gill Hadley who says that “Muscles are fascia’s B*tch.’”

On today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and Microphone Podcast, the Fit Crazies are joined by a POWERFUL, SMART and ENTHUSIASTIC woman by the name of Sue Hitzmann. Sue is not only a New York Times best-selling author, sought after speaker, exercise physiologist, and world-renowned professional health and fitness legend, but also the creator of the internationally acclaimed MELT METHOD! Listen up as Sue shares her amazing journey into the fitness industry that started when she was a child when her great-grandmother told her to “never get old.” Sue explains how that moment led her to a life of educating, training, and coaching clients of every age and fitness level to live more quality lives. From the professional athlete to those suffering from chronic illnesses, Sue has discovered one of the most important keys to improving health span, decreasing chronic pain, slowing symptoms of aging and much, much more! It’s time to take care of your fascia and Sue Hitzmann’s MELT METHOD may be the fountain of youth you have been seeking! To learn more about Sue and begin your journey to reconnect, rebalance, rehydrate, and release with the MELT METHOD, be sure to visit

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian


Sue Hitzmann/Melt Method Links:

Instagram: @sue_hitzmann_themelter @meltmethod

YouTube: Melt Method

Website:  and Melt OnDemand

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitness #MeltMethod #Fascia #release #neuromuscular #craniosacral #anatomy #MELT #NewYorkTimesBestSeller #ChronicPain #Athletes #Recovery #exercise #fitpro #trainer #Coach #chronicDisease #traumarecovery #vagusnerve #sacrum #education #myofascialrelease #foamrolling #GillHadley #depression #mentalhealth #SueHitzmann #collagen #IHRSA #Naples #OnlineTraining #OnlineCourses #Wellness #Proactive #Parkinsons #ALS #Alzheimers #Arthritis #HolisticHealth #Keynote #CEO

IRHSA 2023 San Diego Recap with the Two Fit Crazies - Episode 296

Episode 296 - IRHSA 2023 San Diego Recap with the Two Fit Crazies

Just like that, IHRSA 2023 is in the books! In this episode, the Two Fit Crazies recap their whirlwind of a trip to San Diego for the biggest fitness business convention in the world. In fact, the Fit Crazies discuss their role in the first-ever IHRSA Podcast and Author’s Row where they were promoting the podcast, TFC Productions, and Christine’s book, SPLIT-SECOND COURAGE. From networking and podcasting, to reconnecting with fellow fitness rock stars and parties, this episode delves into some of the most memorable moments from this year’s conference! Join the Fit Crazies as they explain the importance of “being in the room” as they navigate the expo hall and the countless social events throughout the week! Then, be sure to listen closely as Brian reveals how he really feels about the business of fitness and learn why Christine is so excited about her bull-riding accolades. If you have been yearning to hear more crazy antics from these two crazies, this episode is for you!  

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian



Podcast: Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Instagram: @twofitcrazies

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitness #fba #wifa #TRX #matrix #beaverfit #abcsoultions #boutiquefitness #boutiquefitnessbusiness #fba #fitnessbusinesspodcast #halo #afaa #ace #idea #canfitpro #scwfit #fitfix #burnalong #rollga #IHRSA #sandiego #sandiegoconventioncenter #balboapark #run #bostonmarathon #fitness #fitpro #waterrower #garmin #technogym #navy #gaslampquarter #hardrockhotelsandiego #trainer #fitness #health #strength #lift #gymequipment #fitbodiesinc #hotbootyballet #fallproof #LA #structclub #musclemixesmusic #schwinn #thrive #lifefitness #kaiserbike #randyhatrick #IMPACT #ToddDurkin #NAVYSeal

#Gronk #Gronkowski #AppleWatch #FitBit #Cryo #

Phil Ross (AKA Master Phil) - Master Trainer, College Professor, Internationally Recognized MMA Instructor, Author, Speaker, and Defensive Tactics Coach - Episode 295

Episode 295 - Phil Ross (AKA Master Phil) - Master Trainer, College Professor, Internationally Recognized MMA Instructor, Author, Speaker, and Defensive Tactics Coach

“You can’t control anything. The only thing you can control is your reaction.” Master Phil

“I always wanted to be good and fighting and strong.” Phil Ross

The Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast is back for another inspiring show! Get ready to hear from the one, the only, Master Phil Ross! This northern Jersey boy who grew up with a desire to be “good at fighting and strong,” packs a punch in today’s episode! After a successful wrestling career and a passion for MMA and weapon mastery, Master Phil has since become a highly coveted mindset coach, author, speaker, actor, and college professor. Listen up as Phil shares some valuable lessons he learned on his personal health and fitness journey as well as why he believes he continues to thrive. From acting in movies to creating community outreach platforms, Master Phil is on a mission to affect positive change in this world! You will love this episode and be sure to check out for even more information and updates! This website does not disappoint! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian, 

Phil Ross Links and Info:





Instagram: kettlebell_king 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitness #MMA #wrestling #Terps #IMJJF #WarriorIsland #HealthIsWealth #Kettlebells #HistoryChannel #MasterTrainer #Knives #TacticalTraining #Strength #BruceLee #Shamrock #Mindset #Trenton #NewJersey #mastermind #coaching #Fitness #BurnAlong #ThreeSidesToTheCoin #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #BrazilianJujitsu #BlackBelt #Leader #Inspire 

Dr. Edward Laskowski, M.D. - Exercise as Medicine - Episode 294

Episode 294 - Dr. Edward Laskowski, M.D. - Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Division of Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Former Co-Director: Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine

“Don’t forget the foundation. Movement is medicine.”

“If we had a pill that could emulate the effects of exercise, it would be the best-selling pill in the world.”

It’s time for some action! You heard it right! The Two Fit Crazies are excited to bring you the amazing Dr. Ed Laskowski to speak about one of our favorite topics, “exercise is medicine!” Today’s show will shed some light on the power of exercise as it relates to preventing and fighting disease. As the co-director of sports medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for over 30-years, and a former member of the president’s council under George W. Bush and Barak Obama, Dr. Laskowski shares groundbreaking statistics and evidence-based research that validates the powerful effects of exercise on the body and the mind. Listen as Dr. Laskowski unpacks the most current research that reveals “exercise is 800 times more powerful” than anything else you can do when it comes to fighting disease. From physiological to psychological benefits, Dr. Laskowski has made it his mission in life to research and educate the world about the power of including foundational movements in your daily routine. Whether you are a fitness professional, medical professional, caregiver, or someone looking to live a longer, more healthy life, this episode is a must! It’s time to accept the fact that “exercise is medicine!”

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitness #MayoClinic #longevity #healthspan #lifespan #research #arthritis #sportsmedicine #sleep #nutrition #wellness #rejenerativemedicine #obesity #comorbidities #chronicdisease #fallprevention #cancer #osteoarthritis #GeorgeWBush #Obama #healthcare #presidentscouncil #foundationalmovements #medicine #ACL #PublicHealth #ProjectPlay #inclusivity #ACSM #ACE #AFAA #SCWFitness #keynote #fitpros #doctors #ALZ #dementia #Parkinsons #Depression #anxiety #exercise #activity #stability 

Mario Toruno - CEO/Founder of Livyana - Episode 293

Episode 293 - Mario Toruno - CEO/Founder of Livyana

“Live. Because you are not alone.”

“Conditions are marathons, not sprints.” Mario Toruno

It’s time to get “Fit Crazie” with Brian and Christine! In today’s episode, Mario Toruno, the founder and CEO of Livyana is here to discuss how his personal health journey inspired him to create a platform to connect people through their “health conditions.” Livyana, which means, “live, because you are not alone,” is an APP that enables people with various chronic conditions and diseases to find one another and create meaningful communities to share their experiences. Livyana is the first holistic Live-Better platform that connects patients, caregivers, and health enthusiasts living similar health journeys.  Instead of feeling lost and alone when you are battling disease, overcoming addictions, or losing hope, its members harness the collective genius of health experiences through community interaction. Listen closely as Mario delves into the power of this “expert by experience” platform and brings a heightened sense of community to those who need it most! Be sure to check out Livyana. It may be exactly what you need to live a happier and healthier life! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian

Livyana Links and Sites:


Instagram: @livyana.4u

Facebook: Livyana

Podcast: Livyana Talks Live

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitness #livyana #chronicconditions #chronicdisease #cancer #diabetes #parkinsons #alzheimers #obesity #eatingdisorders #migranes #healthcoach #community #live #livyanatalkslive #wellness #livebetter #strengthforlife #msk #sloankettering #americandiabetesassociation #als #ms #caregiver #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #doctors #healthcare #nurses #rn #platform #reinventingthewoman #empower #health #mindset #live

Debbie Bellenger - Consultant/Educator/Presenter/Wellness Advocate/Program Developer - Episode 292

Episode 292 - Debbie Bellenger - Consultant/Educator/Presenter/Wellness Advocate/Program Developer

“I ground myself in my desire to help people…My greatest attribute is my heart.”

“…redefine the role of a fitness professional to a wellness professional…we are the solution…”

Welcome to yet another EPIC episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with special guest and fitness icon, Debbie Bellenger! This Ontario native relocated to the United States in the 90’s and spent the last few decades working in various cities researching and collaborating with medical professionals while serving as a health and wellness director for health clubs, gyms, hospitals, medical fitness facilities and corporations. Today, Debbie is here to open the dialogue about the importance of shifting the role of the “fitness professional to a wellness professional.” After decades of experience in the fitness industry developing wellness programs alongside physicians, orthopedics, and dieticians, Debbie believes the fitness industry is “missing the mark.” Listen closely as she explains why there is a dire need for qualified and passionate wellness professionals, and how it is up to us to rise to the occasion. This episode might just be the “call to action” that you have been waiting for! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian 

Debbie Bellenger - Websites and Information


Instagram:    @debbie.bellenger

Facebook: Debbie.Bellenger

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitness #canfitpro #debbiebellenger #idea #heart #doctors #medicalfitness #wellness #lifecoach #clubindustry #PCP #burnout #obesity #research #sittingisthenewsmoking #chronicdisease #chronicconditions #mayoclinic #medical #ontario #Gilad #deniseaustin #parksandrecreation #YMCA #caroMont #MedicalFitnessAssociation #groupexercise #rehabilitation #employeewellness #corporatewellness #splitsecondcourage

Jeffrey (Jeffro) Wyda - Holistic RN/AIDS and HIV Family Advocate/Survivor - Episode 291

Episode 291 - Jeffrey Wyda - Episode 291 - Jeffrey (Jeffro) Wyda - Holistic RN/AIDS and HIV Family Advocate/Survivor/Certified Holistic Stress Management Instructor and Multidimensional Sound Practitioner 

“I’ve been given a chance after chance…and in that I found my faith in God and my mission in this short life…to LOVE without boundaries.”

In today’s episode, the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast provide you with a truly inspiring and poignant story of resiliency and strength with the amazing Jeffrey Wyda! Joining the show from Massachusetts, Jeffrey is here to share his tumultuous, yet triumphant gifts of wisdom and compassion that came through the trauma he endured along his healing process. Diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis as a child, and practically failing out of life as a teen, Jeffrey was given an opportunity that would forever change the trajectory of his life. Listen closely as Jeffrey recounts the time he spent working closely with children living with HIV/AIDS and hemophilia, and how it inspired him to not only become a nurse, but also to lead a life of love and compassion. Jeffrey also speaks about how he was able to draw strength from the most difficult situations and learn to “pay attention to intention.” This episode will move your soul! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian

Two Fit Crazies 



Instagram:    @Jeffreywyda

Facebook: Jeffro Wyda

#twofitcrazies #podcast #hope #love #RN #holisticHealth #healing #visionary #Boston #SCW #Colon #Gifts #UlcerativeColitis #nationalBoardCertified #Holistic #StressManagement #SoundPractitioner #crystalbowls #gongs #percussion #HIV #Aids #Children #Painmanagement #gymnast #marthasvineyard #BostonMedical #BobBowers #Spinalsurgery #LetItGo #YesYouCan #MindBodySpirit

The Two Fit Crazies Talk 2023 - Episode 290

Episode 290 - The Two Fit Crazies Talk 2023

“What do you have planned for 2023?”

“It’s time to rethink New Year Resolutions and start making New Year’s Intentions.”

Happy 2023! The Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast are excited to bring you yet another year of everything fitness, nutrition, health, inspiration, and fun! Join Christine and Brian as they reveal some of their crazy new plans to change the world in 2023! It’s time to reimagine the way you think about New Year’s resolutions, and instead, start setting some serious New Year’s intentions! If you want to live a more fulfilling and happier life, it’s time to get uncomfortable! Run that race! Be your own boss! Give back to your community! Organize that fundraiser! Be the change you wish to see in the world and live without regrets! If you are wondering how the Two Fit Crazies do it, listen up and take some notes! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Two Fit Crazies

Christine and Brian


Instagram:    @twofitcrazies  

Facebook: Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

#twofitcrazies #podcast #NewYear #resolutions #intentions #JSFRunners #Africa #ReinventingTheWoman2023 #retreat #run #BostonMarathon #running #IRONMAN #triathlon #Disney #Nike #fitness #health #wellness #train #mindset #mindful #happiness #mentalhealth #nutrition #wellness #inspire #IDEA #family #travel #chronicdisease #exerciseismedicine #move #brainhealth #smile #friends #BeYourOwnBoss #Fun

Sohailla Digsby - Registered Dietician, ACE Certified Fitness Professional, Author, International Speaker, Mother of 3 Teenagers - Episode 289

Episode 289 - Sohailla Digsby - Registered Dietician, ACE Certified Fitness Professional, Author, International Speaker, Mother of 3 Teenagers

“People forget that prevention is easier than recovery.”

“…accountability is the secret sauce…Olympians, CEO’s, Fortune 500’s…all have coaches…why would we expect that we don’t need a coach?”

“Have a ‘no regrets’ holiday…prioritize what matters most.”

Will you simply survive, or will you thrive this holiday season? 

While many may be filling up on those tasty red and green M&M’s, have you ever challenged yourself to get in some red and green fruits and vegetables? Today, the Two Fit Crazies welcome to the show Sohailla Digsby to shed some light on how to enjoy the holidays without sabotaging your health! As a registered dietician and fitness professional with over twenty-years of experience, Sohailla believes that you can “have a no regrets holiday” by prioritizing what matters most to make everything you do a mindful experience. From navigating holiday parties and family gatherings, to creating a game-plan to include some healthy meals and exercise, Sohailla and the Two Fit Crazies are dishing out their “secret sauce.” Listen closely as Sohailla reveals her “Triple S” on how to make the holidays a more healthy and happy time of year. If that is not enough, Sohailla is offering all the Two Fit Crazie listeners a chance to join her this January for “The Best Body Countdown,” an eight-week program of strategic steps and lots of accountability to help you live a more quality life. Text the word “me” to 33777 to sign up!

Happy Holidays! Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian

Website: Meet Sohailla Digsby | Best Body Nutrition & Fitness ( )

Books: Priority Planner & Wellness Log ( )  goes along with her Best Body Cookbook & Menu Plan and the Countdown to Your Best Body Success Journal ( ) . Her next book, “How to Eat Sugar,” will be available soon!

Instagram: @sohailladigsby               

Facebook: Sohailla Digsby 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #holidays #nutrition #coach #accountability #christmas #hannuka #BestBodyCountdown #FitPro #ACE #AFAA #RD #Mindful #IntuitiveEating #family #exercise #move #Speak #Food #NEDA #Georgia #author #speaker #NewYearsResolutions #Diet #prevention 

Chris Mirabile - CEO of NOVOS - “Younger for Longer” - Episode 288

Episode 288 - Chris Mirabile - CEO of NOVOS - “Younger for Longer”

“At 15-years-old, I had a brain tumor the size of a golf ball…it was a transformative experience…one that humbled me…planted a seed…what was it that lead to me getting a brain tumor?”

“Longevity…it’s accounting for the future, but also what you are doing in the short term.”

“My goal is to add a billion years of life to humanity.”

It’s time for another amazing episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with your favorite “fit crazies,” Brian and Christine. Joining the show today from beautiful south Florida is a man by the name of Chris Mirabile. Currently, Chris is the CEO of NOVOS, a company that leverages “science and data to create the best nutraceuticals to extend human lifespan.”  Today, Chris delves into the story of how he survived a brain tumor at the age of fifteen, and how that transformative experience proved to be the catalyst for his quest to help others stay “younger for longer.” If you are wondering what you can do to improve the quality of your life and increase longevity, Chris shares some awesome insight about what you should know about the Nine Hallmarks of Aging and how he developed NOVOS. Listen up to learn how supplementing your diet with some of the best scientifically validated ingredients to extend lifespan can provide both short- and long-term effects on your health! You can’t afford to miss this episode! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie

Christine and  Brian

NOVOS Links and Info:

Instagram/Twitter: @slowmyage

#twofitcrazies #podcast #novos #Manhasset #braintumor #recovery #transformative #genetictesting #biological #biologics #epigenetics #23andMe #youngerforlonger #neurotransmitters ##HallmarksOfAging #genes #health #longevity #aging #biotech #cellular #naturevsnurture #drchurch #harvard #MIT #NOVOSboost #NOVOSage #drSinclair #lifespan #NOVOScore #supplement #live #health #nutrition #preventdisease 

Brian's Trip to Africa In Depth - Episode 287

Listen up as Brian gives an in-depth rundown of his trip to Sierra Leone with JSF Runners and the Joe Strummer Foundation. It was a wild adventure deserving of a full recap with the Two Fit Crazies!


JSF Runners:

Insta: @jsfrunners

Facebook: @jsfrunners

WAYout Arts is an International, charity offering free digital media, music and drama facilities to street and conflict affected youth.


Insta: @wayoutarts

Donate Here:

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Manny Ceara, The Ultimate Lighter Fluid - Chief Energy Officer (CEO), Motivational Coach, Business Consultant and Speaker - Episode 286

Episode 286 - Manny Ceara, The Ultimate Lighter Fluid - Chief Energy Officer (CEO), Motivational Coach, Business Consultant and Speaker

“It’s not how you start; it’s how you finish”

“It’s not what you think…knowledge isn’t power, it’s using the knowledge…I’ve earned my stripes.”


This episode may cause your future to be energized.

Welcome to the first ever Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone PUMPcast! You read it right! This episode becomes more than a podcast when the “ultimate lighter fluid” himself, Manny Ceara, takes the mic. This New Jersey native is here to provide you with “the spark to start the fire that burns long and strong and makes the difference between winning and losing.” Listen up as Manny shares the story of what happened when he finally realized his own worth, and how that epiphany completely changed the trajectory of his life. From earning $6 per/session as a struggling personal trainer, to being hired at Orangetheory Fitness corporate headquarters and owning multiple studios, Manny knows what it takes to succeed! It is time to take some notes and then take some action after listening to the golden nuggets that Manny drops on this very special “pumpcast.” Buckle up!

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian

Home | MC | Chief Energy Officer (

Instagram/LinkedIn @MannyCeara

Facebook: Manny Ceara

#twofitcrazies #podcast #mannyceara #pumpcast #otf #orangetheory #PaulRider #DaveLong #EllenLatham #Rutgers #FIU #personaltrainer #fitness #speaker #motivation #businesscoach #consultant #keynote #ignitethespark #motivationalcoach #ultimatelighterfluid #buckleup #AllOut #NewJersey #SouthFlorida #trainer #health #consultant #KPI #sales #marketing #hiring #sales #business #ROI #clientretention #happiness #money #relationships 

Gregory Charlop “Dr. Greg” - Physician, Speaker, Author, Girls’ Health Advocate and Founder of From Soccer to C-Suite - Episode 285

Episode 285 - Gregory Charlop “Dr. Greg” - Physician, Speaker, Author, Girls’ Health Advocate and Founder of From Soccer to C-Suite

“I founded the Women’s Sports Forum….I hope to create an environment to create opportunity.”

“…women athletes are not treated well…women often have more crosses to bear.”

In this episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Gregory Charlop, better known as “Dr. Greg,” is joining the show to share his journey from Beverly Hills anesthesiologist to well sought-after women’s empowerment advocate! This Stanford-trained physician turned “girl dad” is here to shed some light on one of his most passionate programs, From Soccer to C-Suite™. This program is led by a nationwide conference series that shares advice from top women leaders about raising successful girls. Listen closely as Dr. Greg reveals how he was able to create executive-level job opportunities for women by bringing together investors, philanthropists, financial and marketing support, and more. To hear more from Dr. Greg, be sure to pick up his book, Why Doctors Skip Breakfast: Wellness Tips to Reverse Aging, Treat Depression, and Get a Good Night's Sleep and be on the lookout for his upcoming book, From Soccer to C-Suite.

Stay Crazie.

Christine and Brian 

LinkedIn: Gregory Charlop

Instagram: @gregorycharlopmd

#twofitcrazies #podcast #drgreg #anesthesiologist #BeveryHills #PlasticSurgery #UCLA #Atlanta #womensempowerment #femaleathletes #SimoneBiles #AntiAging #Olympians #LPGA #NBC #FOX #dad #WhyDoctorsSkipBreakfast #realestate #csuite #soccer #speaker #writer #socialmedia #NaomiOsaka #tech #csuite #girls #empower #SCW #advocate ##NCAA #Stanford #opportunity #investors #Forbes #ABC 

Diva Richards - Founder of Hard Work No Excuses (HWNE), Personal Trainer, International Fitness Educator, Motivational Speaker, Podcaster, Life Coach and Badass! - Episode 283

Episode 283 - Diva Richards - Founder of Hard Work No Excuses (HWNE), Personal Trainer, International Fitness Educator, Motivational Speaker, Podcaster, Life Coach and Badass!

“Everything I say to you, I say to myself!”

“Own your losses just like you own your wins.”

“Safety scares me…take life by the balls.”

Who is ready to get fired up and “Get Sh#* Done?” In today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Diva Richards will ignite your soul! This Philly native and former Golden Glove Champ is “crushing it” in the fitness industry and beyond...and she is just getting started! Listen up as Diva shares what it was like to be raised by a single, hard-working mother of 6, and how she was put to work at the age of 5 stocking shelves at the family corner store. Diva knows hard work, but she also knows the importance of owning your failures and overcoming the fear of “what’s next.” After hustling hard, creating a 6-figure personal training business, and embracing the mantra, “failure is NOT an option…ever, ever, ever…” Diva opened her own 10,000 sq/ft gym in south Jersey called HARD WORK NO EXCUSES. Get ready, because Diva is about to shed some light on how you too can overcome the fears that are holding you back from disrupting the status quo! “Take life by the balls!”

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine  and Brian 

Social Media: Diva Richards

Do Work Podcast HWNE Live | Hard Work No Excuses

#twofitcrazies #podcast #fightclub #WHNE #WorkHard #NoExcuses #WorkHardNoExcuses #DivaRichards #SCW #speaker #educator #lifecoach #Philly #GoldenGlove #Entrepreneur #CEO #fitness #boxing #canfitpro #fitnessprofessional #fitpro #southjersey #fear #overcome #dowork #business #coaching #personaltrainer #groupfitness 

Pete Moore - Founder of Integrity Square, Advisor and Investor to the Health, Active Lifestyle, and Outdoors (HALO) Industry, Creator of the HALO Academy and Author of Time to Win Again - Episode 278

Episode 278 - Pete Moore - Founder of Integrity Square, Advisor and Investor to the Health, Active Lifestyle, and Outdoors (HALO) Industry, Creator of the HALO Academy and Author of Time to Win Again.

“Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.”

“I’m a health and wellness banker…Our mission is to create the HALO effect!” Pete Moore

Let’s hear it for today’s guest on the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Pete Moore! This Harvard Business School graduate and self-proclaimed “health and wellness banker,” is here to share some amazing stories and provide some awesome insight into the business of fitness. This native Long Islander with a world of experience working for top firms in New York City, joins the show from his home in Manhattan Beach, California. Pete, currently on a “mission to create the HALO effect,” is about to reveal why he is so passionate about helping entrepreneurs who are ready to invest in the “health, active lifestyle and outdoors industry,” also known as HALO. Listen up as Pete delves into the “why” behind effective business models used by companies such as Planet Fitness, Soul Cycle, Orange Theory Fitness, and more! Whether you are looking to invest in a franchise, open your own business, or scale your business model, this episode is for you! To learn more, be sure to check out one of Pete’s HALO Academy Courses and read his book, Time to Win Again. It’s time to take your business to the next level! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Brian and Christine

Twitter: @thehaloadvisors

Insta: Pete Moore -2nd

Instagram: @thehaloadvisors

#entreprenuer #twofitcrazies #HALO #Investor #Investment #franchise #businessmodel #fitness #management #author #TimeToWinAgain #LongIsland #ManhattanBeach #SoulCycle #PlanetFitness #OrangeTheoryFitness #F45 #GoldsGym #FinancialModel #InvestmentBanking #Podcast #RestorationHardware #IntegitySquare #HALOTalks #HALOAcademy #LOI #ROI #stocks #SpectrumClub #FitnessFirst #Item19 #scaleable #mayoclinic #health #fitnessindustry #halosector

Jonathan McLernon “Coach Jon” - Freedom Nutrition and Fitness Coach/Creator of Lifestyle 180/Host of “Between the Before and After” Podcast - Episode 277

Episode 277 - Jonathan McLernon “Coach Jon” - Freedom Nutrition and Fitness Coach/Creator of Lifestyle 180/Host of “Between the Before and After” Podcast 

“We need to change according to the way our brains work.”

“If you make a list of all the things you love and value, how far down the list are you?”

“I am an empathetic engineer…a tour guide, not a sherpa…I want to help you move past your problems…”

In today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, we guarantee that Jonathan McLernon, AKA “Coach Jon,” will entertain, educate, and inspire you to move past your problems and change “your story.” That’s right! Listen up as Jon shares how his life led him from Nanotechnology Researcher at the University of Victoria, to a Marine Engineer for the Canadian NAVY, a globetrotting English teacher, a nutrition and supplement store owner, and finally a successful “brain-driven weight loss” coach and podcaster. Jon is on a mission to “give people hope,” and as a self-proclaimed, “empathic engineer,” he is constantly trying to understand the “human experience” to better care for both himself and his clients. So, grab a pen and paper and take notes while Jon reveals some of the best kept secrets to enacting lasting change through compassion and unconscious behavior awareness or reach out to him at

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian 

Facebook: Freedom Nutrition Coaching

Instagram: @freedomnutritioncoach

Between the Before and After Podcast

David Geslak - President/Founder of Exercise Connection - Autism Exercise Specialist - Episode 276

Episode 276 - David Geslak - President/Founder of Exercise Connection - Autism Exercise Specialist 

IDEA 2022 Fitness Leader of the Year Finalist 

“The biggest thing to figure out…How do they learn?” 

“...connect with them…build the relationships beyond relationships first…you will have a client for life.” David Geslak

In today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Christine and Brian welcome an amazing human by the name of David Geslak! Recently nominated as a finalist for the 2022 IDEA Fitness Leader of the Year Award, David shares how he fell in love with helping those with Autism live more healthy and happy lives. As a former strength and conditioning coach who opened his own gym soon after graduating college, he had no idea that one child would completely “change my career path.” Nineteen years later and now president and founder of Exercise Connection, David Geslak is focused on building relationships and implementing individualized exercise programs using evidence-based strategies for those with Autism. In addition, David is on a mission to educate fitness professionals and medical fitness professionals how to better serve this growing demographic through his ACSM Autism Fitness Specialist Course as well as developing an APP that is currently being implemented in 7 different research studies. David Geslak is a true leader in his work and you can find out more about him and his amazing team of trainers at

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! 

Brian and Christine 


Instagram: @davidgeslak @exerciseconnection 


#twofitcrazies #podcast #entrepreneur #exerciseconnection #exercise #autism #autismawareness #IDEA #leader #coach #NASM #AFAA #ACE #specialist #evidencebased #researchbased #team #fun #ACSM #abilitylevel #strengthcoach #gym #school #relationships #trust #NYSAHPRED #ShapeAmerica #physicaleducation #PE

Chrissy Horan - Freelance Writer and Running Enthusiast - Episode 275

Episode 275 - Chrissy Horan - Freelance Writer and Running Enthusiast 

“For me, running became a kind of game…I ran to the next bridge….then the next…” “My favorite part of the Boston Marathon…it sends the tingle up your spine.” 

“...I first started writing a blog…but I love writing human interest stories…” Chrissy Horan  


In today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, let’s welcome running enthusiast and freelance writer, Chrissy Horan. Chrissy, a Long Island native, who also happens to be Christine’s childhood volleyball teammate, is here to share how her unexpected love for running led her to become an experienced marathon runner, volunteer, fundraiser and freelance writer. Chrissy, a former obesity researcher, claims to have always “dreaded running” until she moved to Boston in 2000 and began running along the historic Charles River. For Chrissy, her competitive nature enabled her to turn her running into “a kind of game,” running just a little farther each run. Fast forward, Chrissy Horan has established herself as a runner who not only takes pride in raising funds and awareness for charities such as the Alzheimer’s Association, but also writing about current research and human interest stories related to the sport. Chrissy’s articles have been featured in Runner’s World, the Boston Globe, Women’s Running and In fact, she even wrote an amazing evidence-based article shedding light on the benefits of running to fight Rheumatoid Arthritis that featured a cameo by one of the “Fit

Crazies.” Learn more about Chrissy Horan and read her latest blogs and articles at 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazy! 

Brian and Christine

Blog: Run Along 


Facebook: Chrissy Horan 

Twitter: @_Chrissyhoran 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #entrepreneur #author #runnersworldmagazine #boston #bostonmarathon #writer #volleyball #longisland #perkins #alzheimersassociation #alzheimers #BostonGlobe #run #CharlesRiver #Polar #blog #charity #freelancewriter #PublicHealth #BoylestonStreet #HeartbreakHill #training #motherswhorun #postpartumhealth #breastfeeding #Volleyball #LongIsland #evidencebasedresearch #fundraising #Obesity #womensrunning #womenshealth #shape #endurance #trainingruns