Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

We're Where It's At!

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

We are Where It's At!

With Personal Trainers/Coaches/Athletes Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast, aka Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone, discuss Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Running, Longevity, Vitality and Healthy People Doing Healthy Things. Guest Stars on the Regular!

Filtering by Tag: Movement

Denise Imbesi - CEO/Founder - Muscle Mixes Music - Episode 169

Episode 169 - Denise Imbesi - CEO/Founder - Muscle Mixes Music
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

Episode 169 - Denise Imbesi - CEO/Founder - Muscle Mixes Music

“I am a music lover...I was a fitness instructor, but also a part-time DJ.” “...Streaming is here to stay….at least for a while.” - Denise Imbesi

In Episode 169 of The Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, the Two Fit Crazies have an awesome conversation with the founder of Muscle Mixes Music, Denise Imbesi. Denise shares what it was like growing up in Brooklyn working as both a fitness instructor and a part-time DJ in the 1980’s. Her love for music and fitness soon inspired her to create her own music mixing company, Muscle Mixes Music. Three decades later, Denise is an established “heavy hitter” in the fitness music industry. From tapes, to CD’s, to digital downloads, to the launch of an APP, Denise talks about the importance of evolving with the times and the importance of using music as motivation. She also reveals particularly important information regarding licensing rights and policies when playing music on social media platforms and beyond. Listen carefully as Denise discusses the do’s and don'ts of music licensing as well as how to create and buy your own music to build your classes or to sell and make a profit. Music is a driving force for fit pros, athletes, gym goers and more, so it is crucial to educate yourself about the rights to use non-licensed and licensed music as a part of your fitness business. Muscle Mixes Music is an awesome resource for its extensive libraries of music and Denise is ready to help you get started today! Check it out!


-Two Fit Crazies

Muscle Mix Links:

Website/ Email: ​​, ​

Instagram: @musclemixes

Facebook: @musclemixesmusic

Rachel Lauria and Jose Lara - Founders, Believe2Achieve Fitness and Weigh2Dance - Episode 159

Episode 159 - Rachel Lauria and Jose Lara - Founders of Believe2Achieve Fitness and Weigh2Dance
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 159 - Rachel Lauria and Jose Lara - Founders of Believe2Achieve Fitness and Weigh2Dance

“Dream it, Believe it, and then Inspire Others to Do It!”

“I want to inspire other people through dance...make them feel encourage others to achieve their dreams…” - Rachel Lauria

In this episode, the Two Fit Crazies had a great time talking with the founders of Believe2Achieve Fitness and Weigh2Dance, Rachel Lauria and Jose Lara. This dynamic couple, who were in amazingly high spirits after having to postpone their wedding this month, shares their awesome journey of love, determination, and grit. Their mission to inspire others to achieve their dreams is apparent in all they do in life. Laura discusses how her background in dance and musical theatre led her to New York City, only to be sidelined by a dangerous blood clot in her leg. After doctors told her she may never dance again, Rachel reached a weight of 250 LBS in her 5’ frame while trying to process the reality of having to give up her lifelong dreams. With a resilient spirit, Rachel talks about how meeting Jose and being picked to participate in Shaun T’s ‘CIZE test group helped her lose over 100 Lbs in 10 months and regain her confidence and zest for life. Jose and Rachel are now ready to take the world by storm with Believe2Achieve Fitness and Weigh2Dance. Listen up as these two Rock Stars reveal how to have fun, get into great shape, and feel empowered through Weigh2Dance, an accessible format that features pre-choreographed dance and strength-training. Take a virtual class or sign up for a one-day certification to teach this awesome new format today!


-Two Fit Crazies

Believe2Achieve Fitness:






Tricia Silverman - Author: Healthy Dividends/RD,LND,MBO-Registered Dietician/Fitness Instructor & Wellness Coach

Episode 131 - Tricia Silverman - Author: Healthy Dividends: Investments in Nutrition, Movement, & Health Habits That Pay Off/RD, LND, MBO-Registered Dietician/Fitness Instructor & Wellness Coach
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 131 - Tricia Silverman - Author: ​Healthy Dividends: Investments in Nutrition, Movement, & Health Habits That Pay Off/RD, LND, MBO-Registered Dietician/Fitness Instructor & Wellness Coach 


Buy Healthy Dividends Here:


 “We can change TODAY what we eat…”

“What is the secret? The BIG picture of overall health is having a purpose and meaningful connections, relationships…”  -Tricia Silverman


In Episode 131, the Two Fit Crazies welcome back an amazing friend of the podcast by the name of Tricia Silverman. In Episode 79, Tricia shared tons eye-opening information about “WHAT’S REALLY IN MY FOOD!” Tricia helped us deconstruct some of the foods that may be staples in our diet and rethink what we may consider “healthy.”  In this episode, Tricia talks practical and simple nutrition “STRATEGIES” as revealed her new book, ​Healthy Dividends: Investments in Nutrition, Movement, & Health Habits That Pay Off. ​ From where to find healthy cheap eats, to planning meals around your vegetables and fruits, this episode is full of simple and easy ideas to improve your diet. Tricia explains how to “create your plate” and the importance of understanding the “nutrition staircase.” Tricia also discusses strategies for dining out, increasing movement, finding your purpose, and setting up a vision of where you want to be. Tricia Silverman’s new book is available November 2019! Be sure to be on the lookout for a “fit crazie” story or two in the extra chapters!

-Two Fit Crazies



Instagram/Facebook: Tricia Silverman or Tricia Silverman Wellness

Amazon: Healthy Dividends

Connie Martin - Aquatic Fitness Specialist/SCW Mania Presenter/MOVE Convention, Director of Education & Group Fitness - Episode 119

Episode 119 - Connie Martin - Aquatic Fitness Specialist/SCW Mania Presenter/MOVE Convention, Director of Education & Group Fitness
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

Two Fit Crazies & A Microphone Podcast

Episode 119 - Connie Martin - Aquatic Fitness Specialist/SCW Mania Presenter/MOVE Convention, Director of Education & Group Fitness

 “Come to the Water!” -Connie Martin  

In Episode 119 of the Two Fit Crazies & A Microphone Podcast, you will fall in love with Ms. Connie Martin, a grandmother from Aurora, Illinois, that has no plans of slowing down any time soon. Connie’s story is fascinating! From language arts teacher, to nationally recognized aquatic fitness educator, to her family’s involvement with secret quilting codes for the Underground Railroad, Connie is an inspiration to all who cross her path! Connie is on a mission to have more people “come to the water” and improve their quality of life through her various aqua strength, HIIT, dance, and more! While Connie can still be found teaching aqua classes each week at local health clubs, she is also spearheading the M.O.V.E. Convention. As the director of education and group fitness, this conference focuses on movement, orientation, variance, and education and it will take place in Atlanta, GA, April 24-26th, 2020. The best in the industry will be represented at this convention, so don’t miss it! 

Finally, you must listen in as Connie reveals some amazing information about quilts, her family history, the Underground Railroad, and secret codes contained within the quilts that were used by slaves and abolitionists to help guide slaves to freedom. Connie Martin is “Where It’s At!”


-Two Fit Crazies


Facebook: Connie Martin or Connie Martin Fitness for Life

Instagram: Connie Martin or Move Convention or Connie Martin Fitness for Life

LinkedIn: Connie Martin



Lizzie's Story: A Slave Family's Journey to Freedom:



NJAHPERD 100th Annual Convention - Part 2 - Episode 91

Episode 91 - NJAHPRED 100th Annual Convention - Part 2
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

Two Fit Crazies & A Microphone 

Episode 91 - NJ AHPRED 100th Annual Convention - PART 2: PRESENTERS & VENDORS 

New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 

February 24th-27th at Ocean Palace Resort & Spa in Long Branch, NJ 

“Reflections of the past-vision for the future” 




NJAHPRED is dedicated to advancing quality health education, physical education, recreation, dance education, and athletics through professional development, programming, advocacy, and collegial exchange. The Association promotes the development of healthy active lifestyles for New Jersey’s students, educators and community members.   


In Episode 91, ​ the Two Fit Crazies bring you Part 2 of their live podcast from the 100th Anniversary of the NJAHPRED Convention in Long Branch, New Jersey in February 2019. After hearing from tons of stellar Physical Educators in episode 90, the Two Fit Crazies hand over the mics to the innovative presenters and vendors. In this episode, some top educational companies discuss some of the latest products that are revolutionizing the way schools teach physical education classes. They also explain how these programs are not only accessible, but also attainable and affordable. In addition, we sat down with some of the most forward-thinking and creative dance and fitness educators who are empowering students through music, movement, and mind-body awareness. Be inspired by these amazing educators who are laser-focused on improving the lives of our youth by educating them on the importance of health and physical activity!    



Two Fit Crazies


NJAHPERD Information:

Website: ​ 

Email: ​ 

Phone: 732-918-9999   

Colin Dingelstad - Beyond Social Conditioning - Episode 86

Episode 86 - Colin Dingelstad - Beyond Social Conditioning, Owner/Director - Swalmen, Netherlands
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

Two Fit Crazies & A Microphone 

Episode 86 

Colin Dingelstad - Beyond Social Conditioning, Owner/Director - Swalmen, Netherlands   

“Just do something! Try something simple...celebrate it!”  -Colin Dingelstad   

In Episode 86, the Two Fit Crazies took a trip to the Netherlands! We wish!  Instead, we had a great interview via ZOOM with an amazing transformational coach by the name of Colin Dingelstad. Colin joined us live from Swalmen in the Netherlands to share his story and perspective about the current state of health and fitness. Colin, a very successful transformational coach and owner of Beyond Social Conditioning, first became interested in learning about successful habits and improving “the self” while reading self-help books as a teenager. Although his goal at the time was to score more dates, his passion for improving the quality of life for himself and others was long-lasting. In this episode, Colin revealed his own “secrets to success” by going “beyond social conditioning” with each of his clients. He asks them to reflect deeply about their life through analyzing their movement, health, mindset, and more.  While Colin speaks about the current state of fitness and health in the Netherlands and the U.K., his messages about the importance of laughing, smiling, and happiness, are universal!      


Enjoy!  Two Fit Crazies


Website: ​     


Instagram: colindingelstad 

Facebook: Colin Dingelstad 


Please, as always, be sure to subscribe to Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone on iTunes or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. We appreciate the support and it goes a long way in helping us share our message of health and fitness.


Eric Malzone - Host of the “Future of Fitness” Podcast and Host of “Fitness Blitz” Radio - Episode 84

Episode 84 - Eric Malzone - Host of the “Future of Fitness” Podcast and Host of “Fitness Blitz” Radio
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

Episode 84 - Eric Malzone - Host of the “Future of Fitness” Podcast and Host of “Fitness Blitz” Radio 

Former Owner: Gravitas Fitness, Crossfit™ Affiliate, Professional Online Fitness Coach, Mentor, Planner, Marketing Strategist, Influencer, and Much Much More!...   

“Temporary failure leads to opportunity!”  -Eric Malzone   

In Episode 84, the Two Fit Crazies had a blast with fellow podcaster, Eric Malzone. Eric not only hosts the FUTURE OF FITNESS Podcast, but also FITNESS BLITZ radio. (Look out for the Fit Crazies in some of these shows!)  Eric shares his awesome story of “going for it!” After growing up in Northern California, a successful water polo career, a business degree from Boston College, and the opportunity to open a Crossfit ™ in Santa Barbara, Eric Malzone was making a name for himself! With a true passion for health and fitness, Eric talks about his journey that lead him to create online resources for fitness professionals (“Fitness Professional Online”) as well as a company that creates certified fitness courses. Eric is sure to inspire you as he reveals his views about “The Future of Fitness!”    


Two Fit Crazies 



Website: ​

Podcasts: Future of Fitness and Fitness Blitz Podcast  

LinkedIn: Eric Malzone 

Instagram: @emalzone 

Facebook: @fitnessprofessionalonline Eric Malzone 


#ericmalzone #futureoffitnesspodcast #fitnessblitz #gravitasfitness #santabarbara #fatjay #bostoncollege #multipotentialite #fitness #fitnesspodcast #fitnessmarketing #mentorship #twofitcraziesandamicrophone

Eli Ingram - Orangetheory Fitness - Regional Fitness Director - Episode 83

Episode 83 - Eli Ingram - Orangetheory Fitness - Regional Fitness Director
Two Fit Crazies and Microphone

Episode 83 - Eli Ingram - Regional Fitness Director/Area Developer, Orangetheory Fitness 

Master Educator, ISCA  U.S. Military Veteran  Former Trainer for NY Sports Clubs, Golds Gyms,

Fitness Advisor-Featured on:  Fox 5 News Report, Good Day NY & Good Morning America   


“I love what I do and I do what I love.” 

“Between Thought and Inaction is a gap…. you must fill this gap.”  “Do it!”  -Eli Ingram   


In Episode 83, The Two Fit Crazies had an awesome talk with Eli Ingram, the regional fitness director and educational leader for Orangetheory Fitness studios in the tri-state area. Eli shares how his former athletic career, military service, master training experience with ISCA, and his unparalleled work ethic lead to the amazing opportunities presented to him in the health and fitness industry. Eli now plays a big role in the success of the largest growing fitness company in the world; and this was not luck. Hear Eli shed some light on why Orangetheory Fitness is expanding faster than any other company? What is the secret? What happens inside an OTF studio? What is the next BIG thing we can expect from Orangetheory? And why haven’t you tried it yet? All this and more awaits in Episode 83!   

-Two Fit Crazies


LinkedIn: Eli Ingram 

Instagram: mytrainerEli 

Facebook: Eli Ingram 

Website: ​


Dr. Evan Osar, DC - Integrative Movement Specialist/Author - Episode 78

Episode 78 - Dr Evan Osar, DC - Integrative Movement Specialist /Author
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone 

Episode 78 - Dr. Evan Osar, DC - Integrative Movement Specialist/Author

Integrative Movement Specialist 

Founder: Institute for Integrative Health and Fitness Education, Chicago, Il

Author:  The Psoas Solution   Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Hip & Shoulder Dysfunction  

Co-Author: ​ Functional Anatomy of the Pilates Core  

New Jersey native   

In Episode 78, the Two Fit Crazies had a blast speaking with Dr. Evan Osar, corrective exercise specialist, chiropractor, author, and international presenter. Dr. Osar is a highly sought-after integrative movement specialist who believes that, “it’s not about the exercise, but the strategy you use.” Dr. Osar reveals his 3 Principles: Alignment, Breathing, and Control as well as his views on common training myths for athletes and non-athletes alike. Why are so many young athletes needing surgery? What are strength and conditioning coaches telling us? What is the “right” thing to do? Wait until you hear Dr. Osar explain his theory on how to live more quality lives using evidence-based research and years of hands-on experience. It may just change your life!     

Dr. Evan Osar is “Where It’s At!”   

Enjoy!  -Two Fit Crazies


Instagram:  #evanosar

Twitter: @evanosar 




#CorrectiveExercise #Psoas #Alignment #Breathing #Control