Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

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Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

We are Where It's At!

With Personal Trainers/Coaches/Athletes Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast, aka Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone, discuss Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Running, Longevity, Vitality and Healthy People Doing Healthy Things. Guest Stars on the Regular!

Filtering by Category: Fitness

Tyler Valencia - President of KIPS (Kinesiology Institute for Performance Specialists) - Episode 350

Episode 350 - Tyler Valencia - President of KIPS (Kinesiology Institute for Performance Specialists)
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 350 - Tyler Valencia - President of KIPS (Kinesiology Institute for Performance Specialists) 

“My secret sauce is that I have a YouTube mentality…I am willing to learn the things…to  increase my digital footprint…” 

“I enjoy the process of content creation…the entrepreneurial side of business, the hustle, the late  nights…” -Tyler Valencia 

It’s time for the 2025 debut of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast! Heading into its  ninth year, Brian and Christine are pumped to welcome the president of KIPS, the Kinesiology  Institute for Performance Specialists, Tyler Valencia. Joining the show from his home in  Chandler, Arizona, Tyler is here to shed some light on the power of creating meaningful  collaborations in the fitness industry when it comes to brand awareness and exposure in the  online arena. Then, listen closely as Tyler shares his “special sauce” when it comes to building,  growing, maintaining, and profiting in an industry where many new businesses fail to last more  than a few years. You may even want to take notes as you listen to this raw and revealing peek into the inner works of some of the biggest fitness companies in the world. We cannot wait to  hear what you think! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian  

Tyler and KIPS sites and links:

Instagram: TylerValencia_ or @kips_online 

Facebook: Kinesiology Institute for Performance Specialists or Tyler Valencia 

YouTube: Tyler Valencia Fitness 


Greg Justice: Author, Speaker, Fitness Entrepreneur, Publisher, and Visionary - Episode 349

Episode 349 - Greg Justice - Author, Speaker, Fitness Entrepreneur, Publisher, and Visionary
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 349 - Greg Justice: Author, Speaker, Fitness Entrepreneur, Publisher, and Visionary 

“I sell them life…lifestyle is not a destination…I’m in the business of making dreams come  true.” 

“I was inspired by a book I bought for .25 at a church…I had $40. and a new pair of running  shoes…I started walking door to door to get my first best client.” 

It’s time for the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with your favorite hosts, Brian  Prendergast and Christine Conti! Today, we are joined by one of the OGs of fitness himself,  Greg Justice! Listen up as Greg shares his amazing story of how he helped to “create a new  industry” along with guidance from the Godfather of Fitness, Jack LaLanne, and other fitness  icons like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno, Tony Horton (P90X), David Parisi, and more!  Greg also sheds some light on how he came to open his first gym, write 30+ books, form Scripts  Publishing Company, co-host Elaine LaLanne’s podcast, create a company with Tony Horton,  and most recently, compete on American Ninja Warrior. If you are looking for some amazing  advice on how to live a long, happy, healthy, and successful life, this episode is for you! And did  you know that “life begins at 60?” 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!!!

Christine and Brian 


Greg Justice Links and Contact Information:

Instagram: @gregjustice1 

LinkedIn: Greg Justice 

Facebook: Greg Justice 


You Tube: “Pass It On” Podcast 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer  #AmericanNinjaWarrior #NinjaWarrior #fitness #exercise #fitnessinstructor  #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #TonyHorton #LouFerrigno #P90X #JackLaLanne  #IHRSA #KCchiefs #AYCHealth #ChetHolmes #Vitality #longevity  #MarkWhalberg #ScriptsPublishing #ToddDurkin #IMPACT #Juicer #DanielGil  #vitality #ACSM #FITFIXNOW #entrepreneur #publishing #writer #author #train  #coach #NASM #ACE #ISSA #wellness

Dane Pallerino - Founder of Dad Bod Sculptors - Episode 348

Episode 348 - Dane Pallerino - Founder of Dad Bod Sculptors
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 348 - Dane Pallerino - Founder of Dad Bod Sculptors 

“I am a former world-class dad bod owner!”

“I used to build businesses…but compromised my health…went on my own journey…I tried to find the things that were most optimal in health and nutrition…” - Dane Pallerino

Welcome to the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with your favorite “fit crazies,” Brian and Christine! On today’s show, we welcome a “former world-class dad bod owner” by the name of Dane Pallerino! Dane, in addition to once owning a “dad bod,” was a successful headhunter who built and scaled businesses. However, while his professional successes were abundant, he found that he was severely compromising his health! Can you relate? Listen up as Dane unpacks a powerful personal and professional transformational journey that led him to create Dad Bod Sculptors! Born after accumulating decades of bodybuilding knowledge, Dane sheds some light on the importance of collaborating with a coach to better understand how proper weight training and nutrition based on your life stage and body type can make ALL the difference! If this resonates with you and you are ready to lose the “dad bod” and live a healthier life, be sure to check out

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian 

Dane and Dad Bod Sculptors Links and Sites:


#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitpro #Impact #dadbod #dadbodsculptors #dad #clients #bodybuilders #bodytype #nutrition #exercise #lifting #liftweights #strength #men #menshealth #dad #business #health #bodyfat #mentalhealth #coach #online #programs #change #accountability #WhoopWearable #battlebars #HDMuscle #MacrolifeNaturals #Rubberbanditz #MelinHats #FitFixNow #podcasting #bro #father #husband 

Fit Fix Now - New CEO Christine Conti and Founder Jane Curth - Episode 346

Episode 346 - Fit Fix Now - New CEO Christine Conti and Founder Jane Curth
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 346 - Fit Fix Now - New CEO Christine Conti and Founder Jane Curth

“FITFIXNOW is one of the leading online continuing education platforms for busy fitness professionals to gain the knowledge and credits needed to keep ALL major certifications current! Convenient! Affordable! Accredited!” 

Today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast is a special one! Get excited because the Fit Crazies welcome back an amazing and successful female entrepreneur by the name of Jane Curth! As the founder of FITFIXNOW, one of the leading platforms for fitness professionals to gain continuing education in a convenient and affordable way, Jane is here to announce some BIG NEWS! If you have yet to hear, your very own “fit crazie,” Christine Conti has stepped into her new role as the CEO of FITFIXNOW! Listen up to hear how Jane turned a personal frustration into a successful online business! Then, find out the story behind the “passing of the torch” which would  allow Christine to lead FITFIXNOW boldly into the future! Whether you are a fitness professional, budding entrepreneur, or are looking for a little inspiration to turn your ideas into reality, this episode is for you! And if you are looking to uplevel your personal training, fitness business, or studio, get your next CEC’s at!

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! 

Christine and Brian

Fit Fix Now Links and Sites:

Facebook/Insta: @FITFIXNOW

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitpro #FITFIXNOW #exercise #fitnessenthusiast #NCAA #AFAA #ACE #NASM #ACSM #AAAI #ISSA #onlinetraining #fitpro #fitspo #fitnesscontinuingeducation #continuingeducation #personaltrainereducation #activeaging #mentalhealth #mindset #exercise #groupexercise #fitnessinstructor #fitnessbusiness #OTF #F45 #Equinox #NYSC #CRUNCHFitness #SoulCycle #BarrysBootcamp #pilates #yoga #strength #LesMills #CorePower #SymmetryAlignsmart #Rollga #Gliders #TRX #Kickboxing #Step #Running #Mindset #Coach360News #MuscleMixes #AtlantaTechVillage #FitnessCertification #Coach #Athlete #Cycle #AquaFitness

Emma Barry - Founder and Chief of Trouble at TROUBLE GLOBAL 0 Episode 343

Episode 343 - Emma Barry - Founder and Chief of Trouble at TROUBLE GLOBAL
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 343 - Emma Barry - Founder and Chief of Trouble at TROUBLE GLOBAL

“Trouble is the little piece of you that needs to rise up…disrupting the status quo…challenging your belief system…”

“I was born to be global…I believe that intense joy, passion, love, success and freedom is yours for the taking. You just have to find and ignite your inner trouble.”

Today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast is pure trouble! That’s right! Whenever Emma Barry is around, she is bound to cause a ruckus! This Kiwi girl, born in London, now living in LA, is ready to share some amazing insights about her life! From breaking into the fitness industry with powerhouse companies like Les Mills and Equinox, to how she came to be known by many in the industry as “the Oprah of Health & Fitness,” this episode is a must hear! Listen up as Emma shares her views on the future of fitness as it relates to the increasing reliance on tech and AI. Then, it’s time to discover why Emma has become such a coveted business consultant and speaker for companies around-the-globe. Driven by “a relentless quest for the world’s best,” Emma’s “explosive boldness, infectious energy, and pure inspiration,” will provide you with just what you need to get you off your ass and change everything for the better! Find out how to get into more trouble with Emma at the expletives in this episode are included with no added cost! 

Let’s start some trouble! 

Christine and Brian 

Emma Barry Links and Sites:

Instagram: @emmabarryistrouble  or @emmabarry_gfa

LinkedIn: Emma Barry 

Facebook: Emma Barry


#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #exercisephysiologist #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #LesMills #Kiwi #NewZealand #Aussie #London #BodyPump #BodyStep #Bodycombat #canfitpro #trouble #equinox #consulting #canfitpro #boutiquegyms #corporatewellness #tech #wearables #AI #fitnessconventions #Oprah #disrupter #slippers #petticoat #Bold 

The Two Fit Crazies and Mid-Way Recap of The Paris 2024 Summer Olympics - Episode 342

Episode 342 - The Two Fit Crazies and Mid-Way Recap of The Paris 2024 Summer Olympics
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 342 - The Two Fit Crazies and Mid-Way Recap of The Paris 2024 Summer Olympics

Welcome to the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast for a very special episode! Today, join Brian and Christine as they provide their own commentary on the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics! That’s right! The Two Fit Crazies are taking a deep dive inside ALL THINGS Olympics! Buckle up as these Crazies discuss the impact of the new Olympic mascots, also known as Snoop Dogg and Flavor Flav. The Fit Crazies also discuss the powerful messages of taking care of your mental health that has proven to be a common theme amongst reporters and journalists at these games. Be sure to stay tuned to hear the rundown of Brian and Christine’s favorite USA Olympic moments displayed by superhuman athletes like Simone Biles, Katie Ledecky, and Cole Hocker! However, you will NOT want to miss the end of the show! What led Brian and Christine to fall into a fit of hysterical, tear-jerking belly laughter? Go USA!

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian 

Instagram: @twofitcrazies

Facebook: Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #Olympics #Paris2024 #ParisOlympics2024 #TRACK #USAGymnastics #USA #PoleVault #SimoneBiles #SnoopDogg #FlavorFlav #WaterPolo #ArtisticSwimming #Diving #BeachVolleyball #PingPong #OlympicTorch #EiffelTower #Louvre #MarthaStewart #DingDong #NBC #PrimeTime #RTW

Ruben Pereyra - Active Aging Specialist/2024 IDEA Trailblazer of the Year - Episode 341

Episode 341 - Ruben Pereyra - Active Aging Specialist/2024 IDEA Trailblazer of the Year
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 341 - Ruben Pereyra - Active Aging Specialist/2024 IDEA Trailblazer of the Year

Fun, Functional Fitness for Every Version of Oneself
Fitness Presenter and Active Aging Specialist
2024 IDEA Trailblazer of the Year

“Active aging is where my passion and my heart is…if we don’t give them a workout, then we are doing them a disservice.” 

“Never give up on yourself…keep trailblazing.”  -Ruben Pereyra

Hold on to your hats, because the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast are excited to welcome fitness royalty to the show! Let’s give it up for the IDEA World 2024 Fitness Trailblazer of the Year, Ruben Pereyra. Joining the Two Fit Crazies from Seattle, Washington, Ruben’s passion for improving the lives of active agers around-the-globe has earned him one of the most coveted awards in the fitness industry! Today, Ruben discusses what it took to become known as a fitness trailblazer through the many ups and downs along his tumultuous journey. From his days as an optimistic college student at UC Long Beach, to the heart-wrenching days of watching his father suffer from Necrotizing Fasciitis, Ruben has now settled into his niche and plans to bring more fun and exercise to older adults through upcoming programs, coaching groups, and certifications geared specifically for this underserved demographic. To learn more about Ruben and his programs, be sure to follow him on social media or drop him an email! Ruben Pereyra is destined to change the world and his trailblazing has just begun! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! 

Christine and Brian 

Ruben Pereya - Links and Sites

Instagram: @functionallyevolved



#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEAWorld #DCAC #canfitpro #winner #seniorfitness #activeagers #fun #smile #inclusion #fitness #fitpro #dance #WERQ #ideafit #trailblazer #functionallyevolved #authentic #Cal #LongBeach #Seattle #JanSchroeder #trailblazing #exercisescience #WarriorRythmRoots #coaching #chronicdisease #movement #chairfitness #rtwtribe #SCWfit #ICAA #ISSA #AFAA #FITFIXNOW #Rollga #FitnessFest

Lori Ann Roland, Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), LCADC - Episode 340

Episode 340 - Lori Ann Roland - Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), LCADC
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 340 - Lori Ann Roland, Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), LCADC

“Seeing yourself differently, knowing your worth and being open to receiving services are often the first steps to living the life that you truly want to live!” -Lori Roland


Welcome to the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast featuring your favorite “Fit Crazies,” Brian Prendergast and Christine Conti! On today’s episode, get ready to work on the MOST important aspect of your health that is often neglected, your mental health! To help us tackle this powerful topic, we decided to call in “the big guns!” Let’s hear it for an amazing mental health expert, as well as a long-time friend, by the name of Lori Roland. In this show, in addition to the usual laughs and “fit crazie” antics, Lori sheds some light on the most common mental health issues and struggles facing adolescents and adults in 2024. After decades of experience as a licensed professional counselor and private therapist who specializes in addictions, Lori has seen it all! You will not want to miss the amazing takeaways and golden nuggets revealed in this conversation. This episode might just change your life or the life of someone you love! Feel free to learn more about Lori by visiting


Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian


Lori Ann Roland Links and Sites:

Instagram @loriannrolandcounselingllc

LinkedIn: Lori Roland



#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #counselor #mentalhealth #mindset #drugandalcoholcounselor #fitness #fitpro #dance #students #narcissist #therapist #fitnessinstructor #mindbodysoul #live #jerseyshore #rtwtribe #addictions #anxiety #depression #therapy #help #safespace #askforhelp #PsychologyToday

Andrew Menter - Physmodo - Episode 339

Episode 339 - Andrew Menter - Physmodo
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 339 - Andrew Menter - Physmodo

“You cannot manage your movement if you cannot measure your movement.”

“Physmodo. We measure how people move in 30-seconds.”

It’s time for the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with your favorite hosts, Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast! On today’s show, the Fit Crazies sit down with Andrew Menter, the CEO and mastermind behind Physmodo, a company that creates technology to aid in assessing how your body moves. Listen up as Andrew unpacks why it is so important to be able to complete a full-body assessment through a single movement that not only takes only 30 seconds, but also does not require a trainer. It may sound too good to be true, but this is “the real deal!” Physmodo provides objective scores with no human error by using specific indicators to denote poor movement. Now, Andrew is looking to help the world understand their misalignments to help reduce the risk and prevent injuries through Physmodo! Learn more at or download the APP today! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazy! 

Christine and Brian 

Andrew Mentor/Physmodo Links and Sites:

Instagram @physmodo

LinkedIn: Andrew Menter

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #impact #IHRSA #canfitpro #TRX #RandyHetrick #ChrisFrankel #RyanDamon #Symmetry #injuryprevention #running #measurement #pain #Physmodo #assess #UniversityofTennessee #Rutgers #athletes #BrownUniversity #lawschool #entrepreneur #RTW #APP #Beck #JPMorgan #investmentbanker #SouthAfrica #Dallas #NYC #EricMalzone #injuries #misalignments #physicaltherapists #athletictrainers #Ironman #tennis #rugby #trainer #technology #app 

The Fit Crazies - Introvert/Extrovert Summer - Episode 338

Episode 338 - The Fit Crazies - Introvert/Extrovert Summer
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 338 - The Fit Crazies - Introvert/Extrovert Summer

“It’s Where It’s At!”  -Two Fit Crazies

It’s time for another dose of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast. Now that it is officially summertime at the Jersey shore, it means that the “Fit Crazies” are getting extra “crazie!” In today’s episode, a last-minute guest cancellation leaves Brian and Christine with the chance to recap their latest antics and upcoming plans. Listen up as one Fit Crazie has been inspired by SOUTH PARK and may have reached their “friend capacity,” while the other Fit Crazie is preparing to “extrovert hard” and “introvert even harder” for the next few months! Can you guess which “Fit Crazie” is which? Enjoy the podcast and find out! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! 

Christine and Brian

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #children #CanFitPro #JerseyShore #Travel #run #live #author #speaker #IDEAFIT #SouthPark #Track #Summer #LA #littleleague #CalRipkin #Teachers #friends #introvert #extrovert #parents #summertime #RTWtribe #athleticgreens #rollga #Burnalong #AngiesPopcorn 

Shawn Livingston - I Am Redemption - Episode 337

Episode 337 - Shawn Livingston - I Am Redemption
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 337 - Shawn Livingston - I Am Redemption


“What I didn’t realize was…I was the problem.”

“Running transformed my treatment…the best medicine never prescribed…it helped me emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually…” -Shawn Livingston


It’s time for a little redemption! In today’s episode, the Two Fit Crazies welcomed an amazing guest to the show by the name of Shawn Livingston! Zooming in from Texas, Shawn is here to share his remarkable story of resilience and redemption while traveling down the road from addiction to recovery through the power of running! Get ready to be inspired by this former member of the AirForce who barely escaped a possible twenty-year prison sentence before coming to grips with the reality that “he was the problem.” Today, Shawn Livingston not only celebrates 7-years of sobriety, but also his popular podcast, his budding speaking career, and a Netflix documentary called “100 Miles to Redemption,” a tale of both the mental and physical redemption that took place during his first 100-mile running race. According to Shawn, running will transform you, and the Two Fit Crazies couldn’t agree more! So, get moving!


Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!  

Christine and Brian




Shawn Livingston Links and Sites:

Instagram @iam.redemption

Facebook: Shawn Livingston

Podcast: I am Redemption

Netflix Documentary: 100 Miles to Redemption (2022) - IMDb


#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #military #airforce #service #Ohio #basketball #rehab #treatment #redemption #trailrunning #trailrunner #physcial #emotional #mental #spiritual #12Step #hope #PennyLane #addiction #overcomeaddiction #TedX #Iamredemption #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #conference #fitness #business #IHRSA #canfitpro #ACSM #womenshealth  #marathon #run #speaker #rolemodel #ultraathlete #enduranceraces #Austin #runninggroups #ShawnLivingston #RunnersWorld #Netflix #Documentary

Linda Mitchell: Speaker/Fitness Universe Champion/Gym Owner/Author/Podcast Founder-Sisterhood of SWEAT - Episode 336

Episode 336 - Linda Mitchell: Speaker/Fitness Universe Champion/Gym Owner/Author/Podcast Founder-Sisterhood of SWEAT
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 336 - Linda Mitchell: Speaker/Fitness Universe Champion/Gym Owner/Author/Podcast Founder-Sisterhood of SWEAT

“Not until I was 58 did I realize I had been trying to win my mother’s approval through my accolades…I had been working for someone’s approval that I may never receive.”

“Put validation in your own hands…it’s never too late…you are worthy of your dreams.” ~-Linda Mitchell

Welcome to the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast hosted by your favorite “fit crazies,” Brian and Christine! In today’s episode, get ready to hear from an amazing fitness cover model and highly accomplished fitness competitor by the name of Linda Mitchell! Linda joins the show from her home in Ohio where she is preparing for her next photo shoot for the cover of Strong Magazine that will drop in January 2025! Listen up as Linda discusses how she managed to reinvent herself over the course of her life and how her life changed when she listened to her heart, continued to dream big, and prayed hard. Linda also reveals how her desire to have sisters led her to create the “Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T.” (Strong Women Empowering and Achieving Together) Currently, Linda considers herself a powerful woman in her 60’s and will continue to train for more competitions, increase her podcast presence, build the “Sisterhood” at her gym, and continue to grace the cover of magazines! According to Linda, “it’s never too late to achieve your dreams!”

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian 

Linda Mitchell Links and Site:


#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #conference #fitness #business #IHRSA #canfitpro #ACSM #womenshealth #strongmagazine #missfitnessmagazine #procard #fitnessuniverse #ohio #covermodel #dreams #sisterhoodofsweat #prayer #mission #podcaster #MissFitnessUSA #fitnesscompetitor #aginggracefully #overcome #WomensHealthMagazine #LAWoman #Eveninggown #bikini #womeninfitness #grandma #mother #author

Todd Durkin - True Strength - Episode 335

Episode 335 - Todd Durkin - True Strength
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 335 - Todd Durkin - True Strength

“The crest of the wave determines the depth of the valley. The depth of the valley determines the crest of the wave.” -Dr. David Jeremiah (The opening Quote from TRUE STRENGTH)

“After three decades of helping others achieve peak performance, Todd Durkin hit rock bottom” 

Welcome to an incredibly special episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast broadcasting LIVE from the Jersey shore! I hope you are ready, because today, we bring you an amazing human who is no stranger to the TFCAAM airwaves! It’s the one, the only, the “Get Your Mind Right” man himself, Todd Durkin! The Fit Crazies love it when Todd is back in his hometown of Brick, New Jersey because that means Two Fit Crazies become the Three Fit Crazies for the day! Join us as Todd discusses why he felt compelled to share his personal struggles and painful journey from the depths of his lowest valleys to the crest of his highest waves in his newly released memoir titled, TRUE STRENGTH! This episode will both pull at your heartstrings while providing you with the motivation you need to go out and “IMPACT” the world in a BIG way! Enjoy the episode! Read TRUE STRENGTH! Be Grateful! Make an impact! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! 

Christine and Brian 

Todd Durkin Sites and Links:

Instagram @ToddDurkin

Facebook: @ToddDurkin

Podcast: Todd Durkin IMPACT Show

Newsletter: “Dose of Durkin”


#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #impact #ToddDurkin #FitnessQuest10 #IMPACTX #TrueStrength #author #speaker #IDEAFIT #OvercomePain #KneeReplacements #family #faith #recovery #strength #personaltrainer #fitness #DrewBrees #LaDainianTomlinson #NFL #Quarterback #ImpactJournal #suicideprevention #JohnGordon #Olympics #surgery #IMPACTshow #mastermind #lifecoaching #IMPACTsummit #TRX #BubsNaturals #MyZONE #BRFBands #UnderArmour #CarnoSyn #PerformBetter #Scriptor

Coach Rafael Escobar - Escobar Fitness LLC - Episode 333

Episode 333 - Coach Rafael Escobar - Escobar Fitness LLC
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 333 - Coach Rafael Escobar - Escobar Fitness LLC

“I want children strong, safe, happy, and secure…it starts with the parents. We must lead by example.”

“We need to keep learning how to parent…provide generational health.” 

-Coach Raf

It’s the unofficial start to summer here at the Jersey shore, and the Two Fit Crazies are ready to provide all you parents out there with the resources needed to thrive throughout this season and beyond! Let’s welcome Rafael Escobar, AKA “Coach Raf,” a specialist in helping parents of young kids who are struggling with exhaustion to gain the energy, confidence, and healthy lifestyles needed to raise happy and healthy children! Listen up as Coach Raf explains what fueled his passion for helping new mothers recover and get back to feeling their best both physically and mentally. If you are simply trying to survive as a parent, it is time to step back and utilize Coach Raf’s best kept secrets to thrive through parenthood and decide when a change is needed! Grab a pen and paper and let’s take the steps to successfully make it through the toughest “hood” in the world, parenthood! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian 

Coach Raf Links and Sites:

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #parents #parenthood #familyfitness #thrive #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #conference #fitness #business #IHRSA #canfitpro #ACSM #womenshealth  #marathon #onepercentbetter #run # #ICAA # #SpringLake5 #MemorialDay #Summer #JerseyShore #coachraf #moms #recovery #LA #calm #GenerationalHealth #CorporateWellness #Nutrition #GutHealth #BodyandSoul 

The Two Fit Crazies on the Run! - Episode 331

Episode 331 - The Two Fit Crazies on the Run!
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 331 - The Two Fit Crazies on the Run!

“Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” If you remember watching this show, you just dated yourself! And you may or may not remember where all of the countries in Africa and South America are located. 

Why do I mention this, you ask? On any given day, you never know where the Two Fit Crazies will show up around the globe! You’ve waited long enough, and Christine and Brian are ready to fill you in on all their latest travels, coaching and speaking adventures! Listen up as Christine shares what she learned on her trip to Golden, Colorado to see her wicked smart and athletic niece, Allison. Not only did she graduate with a 4.0 but did it in only 3-years from one of the most highly ranked schools in the country. Apparently, the Colorado School of Mines is “where it’s at!” On top of that, Brian opens up about his ridiculously successful coaching endeavors as the driving force behind some of the best runners in the state of New Jersey, the east coast, and beyond! It must be the coaching, right? To hear more, listen to the episode and be ready for more tales of chaos and craziness as the two “fit crazies” continue to inspire the world to be just a little healthier and happier by the day! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #conference #fitness #business #IHRSA #canfitpro #ACSM #womenshealth  #marathon #onepercentbetter #run # #ICAA #Rollga #Burnalong #njshore #tfcproductions #brick #track #USTAF #orediggers #coloradoschoolofmines #miners #ManasquanHighSchool #runner #hurdles #coach #inspire #educate #travel #UnitedAirlines #MariottHotels #Planes #trains #automobiles #breathe #laugh #nike #hoka #adidas #brooks #SpecialOlympics #autismawareness #downsyndromeawareness #NJ #CarmenSanDiego

The Two Fit Crazies Boston Marathon 2024 Recap - Episode 330

Episode 330 - The Two Fit Crazies Boston Marathon 2024 Recap
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 330 - The Two Fit Crazies Boston Marathon 2024 Recap

There is a reason the Boston Marathon is one of the toughest courses in the world. Just ask Brian and Christine! No matter how many times you face Boston, you will never be totally prepared for what the day has in store for you! Some years you battle through ice and snow. Other years it may be high winds or temperatures soar and leave you feeling ready to die even before you reach the hills of Newton. This podcast is one for the books! Listen up as one of the “fit crazies” talks about their best Boston experience guiding an athlete named Thomas with the Chris Nikic One Percent Better Foundation. Then, it is time to hear from the other “fit crazie,” who still ran an amazing race, discuss why they found themself “tossing their cookies” on the side of the road at mile 19.1. Can you guess who is who? Listen up to find out the highs and lows of this epic Boston Marathon 2024 weekend! There is nothing in the world like being in Boston on marathon weekend! Anything is possible! 

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! Chase Unicorns! 

Christine and Brian 

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #conference #fitness #business #IHRSA #canfitpro #ACSM #womenshealth #bostonmarathon #chasingunicorns #boston #marathon #onepercentbetter #run #addidas #nike #humagel #maurtengel #bostoncopley #boyleston #beantown #redsox #runnersworld #runboston #partytime #frankturner #JSFrunners #London #LiverpoolFC #Paris #Paris2024 #olympics #wayout #ICAA #Rollga #Burnalong #njshore #tfcproductions #brick #track #USTAF 

Paul Galloro - CanFitPro 2023 Canadian Fitness Professional of the Year and Creator of ARISE - Episode 329

Episode 329 - Paul Galloro - CanFitPro 2023 Canadian Fitness Professional of the Year
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 329 - Paul Galloro - CanFitPro 2023 Canadian Fitness Professional of the Year and Creator of ARISE

“Joy is a birthright and is within us…I know who I am, and I am not going to question…”

“My mission is to help people fall wildly in love with themselves.”

-Paul Galloro

Welcome to the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast featuring your favorite “fit crazies,” Brian and Christine. On today’s episode, we welcome an award-winning health and wellness professional by the name of Paul Galloro! Paul, who joins us from just outside of Toronto, Canada, is here to ignite your soul and remind us all that “joy is our birthright and is within us!” Listen up to hear how Paul blends “modern sciences and ancient practices to help people fall wildly in love with themselves” through his ARISE program that is proven to change the quality of your life through brief daily morning practices for the mind and body! If you are looking for a little inspiration and wondering what steps you can take to start to love yourself, this is the podcast for you! Be sure to take some notes and learn more about Paul at

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian 

Paul’s Links and Sites:


Social media: @paulgalloro

LinkedIn: Paul Galloro

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #conference #fitness #business #IHRSA #canfitpro #ACSM #womenshealth #bostonmarathon #canada #trainer #mindset #intentions #love #fitness #joy #retreats #paulgalloro #mastertrainer #awardwinning #speaker #NathalieLaCombe #LawrenceBiscontini #dailyroutine #ARISE #yoga #mindbody #happiness

The Fit Crazies Prepare To Take On The Boston Marathon - Episode 328

Episode 328 - The Fit Crazies Prepare to Take On The Boston Marathon
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Christine and Brian give a preview as they prepare to take on the Boston Marathon once again!

The Two Fit Crazies Catch Up - Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast aka Two Fit Crazies - Episode 327

Episode 327 - The Two Fit Crazies Catch Up - Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast aka Two Fit Crazies
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 327 - The Two Fit Crazies Catch Up - Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast aka Two Fit Crazies

The Two Fit Crazies Take on March Madness and Youth Sports

On today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, it is time for a “Two Fit Crazie Catch-up!” Brian and Christine sit down to talk about their most recent crazy events and fill you in on all the latest chaos! From March Madness predictions to Brian’s most recent struggles with trying to understand over-the-top youth coaches, this episode is sure to make you rethink your views on humanity! However, before you have the chance to truly second guess yourself, it’s time to start getting excited! The 128th Boston Marathon is just a few short weeks away! Pretty soon, the Fit Crazies will be back on Boylston Street chasing unicorns in the name of health! Brian’s superhuman speed will once again be on display while Christine seeks her 11th consecutive Boston Marathon start to raise awareness for the Alzheimer’s Association and act as a guide for Chris Nikic’s Team 1% Better. Catch us if you can!

Stay Fit! Stay Crazy! 

Christine and Brian

TFC Sites and Links:  

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #conference #fitness #business #IHRSA #canfitpro #ACSM #womenshealth #baseball #basketball #wrestling #marchmadness #NCAA #GoTerps #Brackets #upsets #bracketbuster #finalfour #coaches #youthsports #Bostonmarathon #run #track #travel #schools #ProfessionalDevelopment #speaker #author #Symmetry #running #OnePercentBetter #fun

Louise Valentine - ACSM Health Educator of the Year/Best Selling Author - Episode 326

Episode 326 - Louise Valentine, MPH, CHES, ACSM-EP, EIM II, CPT, CSCS, BCTMB - ACSM Health Educator of the Year, Best-Selling Author
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 326 - Louise Valentine, MPH, CHES, ACSM-EP, EIM II, CPT, CSCS, BCTMB - ACSM Health Educator of the Year - Best Selling Author

“I was always told that running and fitness was not in my future…I was sick, overweight…I had low estrogen in my youth…impaired gut health.”

“I am a one stop shop beyond the practitioner…built by and for active women seeking knowledge to achieve a lifetime of sustainable health and fitness success.”

It’s time for another awesome episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with today’s featured guest, Louise Valentine! Joining the Fit Crazies from her home in Delaware, Louise is here to talk EVERYTHING female specific nutrition and exercise! As the recipient of the ACSM 2023 Practitioner of the Year, as well as the host one of the leading podcasts for women looking to maximize fitness while “running” through perimenopause and beyond, Louise shares tons of golden nuggets on today’s show! This multi award-winning expert across the sports medicine, exercise science, holistic health and performance fields will reveal the “red flags' ' all women should be looking for when it comes to their overall health and wellness. If you are a woman in your 30’s who is struggling with unexplained weight gain, weight loss, fatigue, or a decrease in athletic performance, this episode is a must listen! To learn more about Louise or to contact her about how she can help you maximize your health, visit

Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!

Christine and Brian

Louise Valentine Info and Links:


Podcast: Maximizing Fitness, Fat Loss and Running Through Perimenopause 

Maximizing Fitness, Fat Loss & Running Through Perimenopause on Apple Podcasts

#twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #conference #fitness #business #IHRSA #canfitpro #ACSM #womenshealth #militarywife #author #speaker #maximizefitness #breakingthroughwellness #hormones #runners #womenrunners #femaleathletes #perimenopause #menopause #postmenopause #redflag #health #aging #osteoporosis #sarcopenia #nutrition #dietician #marathon #ultraendurance #run #fatloss #workingmom #performance #holisticapproach #longevity