Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

We're Where It's At!

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

We are Where It's At!

With Personal Trainers/Coaches/Athletes Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast, aka Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone, discuss Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Running, Longevity, Vitality and Healthy People Doing Healthy Things. Guest Stars on the Regular!

Wayne Cornett - Dad/Runner/Hero - Episode 48

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 48 -Wayne Cornett

“I’ll Run For Kirsten Until She Can!”

Father of 3

Runs for his daughter Kirsten

Team SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy)


In Episode 48, the two fit crazies had the honor of speaking with a beautiful soul by the name of Mr. Wayne Cornett. His story WILL restore your faith in humanity. This father of 3 talks candidly about how his daughter’s SMA, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, diagnosis, a disease that causes death for most infants before the age of two, changed his life forever. Fit Crazy Christine recounts her first meeting with Wayne at the New Jersey marathon, to his new mission to raise enough money for a racing push chair so that Kirsten can “race with her daddy.” This interview is both touching and inspiring. Let’s help Wayne race with his daughter! And let’s remember that running is about so much more!

GO FUND ME “Kirsten’s Race! SMA Push Chair” is waiting for YOU!


Go Fund Me:

Kirsten’s Race! SMA Push Chair! ($5,000 Goal: Purchases the push chair)

Learn more about SMA at


-Two Fit Crazies



Abbie Appel - Renowned Fitness Educator & Award Winning Presenter - Episode 47

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 47 - Abbie Appel - Renowned Fitness Educator & Award-Winning Presenter

-Former Winner: Canfitpro Best Presenter

-Former Winner: ECA All-Around Presenter

-Consultant for: Body Bar, JumpSport, Pilates Institute of America, Resist-A-Ball, SPRI, & TRX

-ACE & AFAA CEC Provider

In Episode 47, the Two Fit Crazies get down and dirty with fitness legend, Abbie Appel! From teaching aerobics classes in some of the top clubs in Chicago to winning her Pro Card in fitness competitions, Abbie’s rise to fame in the fitness industry didn’t come without grit and determination! As one of THE most sought-after fitness educators in the industry, Abbie dishes out what YOU need to know in order to attain your goals not only your fitness business, but also in your personal fitness journey!


Christine & Brian

“Two Fit Crazies”


Abbie’s Site:



Gregory Andrus - Author/Photographer: Portraits of the Jersey Shore - Episode 46

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 46 - Gregory Andrus – Author/Photographer: Portraits of the Jersey Shore

In episode 46, Gregory Andrus drops by the Two Fit Crazies podcast studio for one of the most powerful episodes yet! Andrus discusses how abuse, alcoholism, depression, homelessness, and a near-death experience lead to his new mission in life; prove to people that THEY MATTER! Defying the odds and surviving a bullet to the head, Andrus realized his life was just beginning. In his recent book, Portraits of the Jersey Shore, Gregory Andrus continues his quest to show compassion and empathy to others. This episode will change the way you look at life! Mental health matters! You matter!








Gregg Cook - Deep Health Evolution - Episode 45

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 45 - Gregg Cook – Deep Health Evolution


Voted One of the Best Instructors in NYC by New York Magazine

Master Trainer: BOSU, Urban Rebounding, Schwinn

Daily Burn 365 Trainer, Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Key-Note Speaker

Featured on Good Day America and the TODAY Show

National Presenter: IDEA, ECA, and Sarah City Conventions

Deep Health Evolution, Co-Owner with his wife, Fatima Cook


In episode #45, Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone had the absolute pleasure to talk with Gregg Cook, a fitness professional who has found great success due to his passion to provide the world with the tools to take health, strength and joy into their own hands by way of a lifestyle. Gregg discusses his journey from taking classes at CRUNCH Fitness in NYC, to becoming a national fitness presenter, to collaborating with his wife, Fatima, to create their own company, Deep Health Evolution. Gregg is not only an amazingly educated and compassionate fitness leaver, but also down-to-earth and hilarious. Make sure to listen carefully and find out why Gregg’s toenails are painted blue and why he is headed to Mallorca, Spain this fall.


For more her on Gregg and Deep Health Evolution

Website: (Subscribe to their mailing list!)








Dawn Ferrentino - Health and Wellness Networking Expert - Episode 44

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 44 - Dawn Ferrentino

Health and Wellness Network Marketing Woman of Impact


Living Healthy Naturally, LLC –Owner

Motivational Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur, Professional Network Marketer, Mentor, Trainer, & Author.


In Episode 44, the Two Fit Crazies sit down with recovering accountant, Dawn Ferrentino. Dawn discusses her journey from a tired, over-worked, and stressed mother of two, to a financially free powerhouse in the network marketing industry. Dawn reveals some secrets that helped her become a multiple six-figure income earner and a coveted motivational speaker around the United States. Catch Dawn’s first co-authored book, Success Chronicles, that was recently released! Get inspired! Make Connections! Dawn is on to something!






Jay Alders - Surf Artist/Dad - Episode 42

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast
Episode 42 - Jay Alders - Artist

“Surf Artist of the Decade” –Brazil’s Alma Surf Magazine
“Dali learned to surf” –Jon Coen, ESPN
“Some people wait around for opportunity to come knocking. I prefer to just build my own door.” -Jay Alders, ESPN Interview

In Episode 42, Two Fit Crazies sit down with Jay Alders, an internationally acclaimed fine artist, photographer, & designer. His intricate brushwork, intense colors, & superb compositions bring to life his signature elongated figures and stylized forms.
Aside from Jay’s kick ass surf, music, romance, & yoga-inspired art, Jay discusses his journey to fulfilling his dream of making a career out of his passions. He delves into his life as a father of three young kids while still managing to design album covers and live paint with bands such as 311, G Love, and Slightly Stoopid, just to name a few.

Two Fit Crazies!

For More On Jay Alders:
His Site:

Steve Feinberg - HipBox/Speedball Fitness - Episode 41


Episode #41

Steve Feinberg


SPEEDBALL Fitness, Creator-HIP BOX, C0-Creator-Kettlebell Concepts Senior Instructor-Schwinn Cycling-Maternal Fitness-USA Boxing Certified Amateur Coach-MMA-VIPR-Circular Strength Training-KBC Fitness Master Program Designer & Educator for International Programming-SCW Presenter & Educator-Ketanga Fitness Leader

In Episode #41, TWO FIT CRAZIES AND A MICROPHONE welcomes back Mr. Steve Feinberg, or “Speedball Steve,” as many call him! In episode #16, Steve shared his journey of how he “made it from nothing to something” in the city that never sleeps and claimed his spot in the fitness industry.  In episode #41, Steve revisits ALL that is new with SPEEDBALL Fitness, HIP BOX, his newest program that combines boxing aerobics set to a hip-hop soundtrack using fundamental skills and techniques of boxing. He discusses his new role with the Boutique Fitness Summit, Ketanga Fitness vacations, and much more! We love us some Steve!




Steve’s Previous Appearance on the show: Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast – Episode 16

More on Steve and his many endeavors:


Facebook: @speedballfitness

Instagram: @speedballsteve  @speedballfitness

Twitter: @speedballfitness





Fitness Business Summit:

PROnatal Fitness:

Ketanga Fitness Retreats:

Sherry Shamrock - Pound Poms - Episode 40

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 40 – Sherry Shamrock – Founder and CEO of FIT 2 CHEER and “Pound Poms”

In Episode 40 of Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Sherry Shamrock, (Yes both she and her name ROCKS!) shares her powerful story of how she created FIT 2 CHEER and came up with PoundPoms, her innovative, cheerleading based fitness program. Sherry is a ball of energy and reveals how her weighted pom poms not only improve fitness, but also increase self-confidence and promote FUN! Women, men, Steve Harvey and even some “sharks” from Shark Tank have experienced her CheerKamp classes! #DoItWeighted

Sherry also speaks candidly about her personal struggles growing up in Tennessee, those summer in the pencil factory, and how you must always “pack a little sugar” “… because sipping on lemonade is always better than sipping on lemons.” The Two Fit Crazies may have teared up a bit from Sherry’s poignant stories about her ability to recognize that “internal health equals external beauty!”   

Enjoy a VERY POWERFUL Episode 40!

It’s “Where It’s At!”

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone


For More on Sherry:







Please, as always, be sure to subscribe to Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone on iTunes or where ever you listen to your favorite podcasts. We appreciate the support and it goes a long way in helping us share our message of health and fitness. 

Josh Sprague - Orange Mud - Episode 39

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone, Podcast

Episode 39 - Josh Sprague – Orange Mud

Orange Mud Owner/Creator, Creator of Over 13 Different Hydration Packs Featured in Runners World Magazines, 2x Ironman, Ultra-Runner, Mountain Biker, Country Boy…

In episode #39, Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone sit down with Josh (Clay) Sprague, the creator and owner of Orange Mud.  What the Hell is Orange Mud? We will get to that…….. Josh discusses how growing up in Kansas and how his love for adventures lead him to achieve his dreams of building a company around what he loves! Not only is Josh a badass endurance athlete, but also a genius when it comes to solving problems about how to carry hydration! 

Josh’s discusses all about his state-of-the-art ergonomic hydration packs that feature “no-bounce” hydration as well as some of his other awesome products such as his transition and seat wrap cover. We want all of these products!!!!

 Enjoy episode #39 and check out Orange Mud!


Here’s To Going Long!!!!

Two Fit Crazies


For More On Orange Mud:







Irene Lewis-McCormick - Fitness Educator/Author - Episode 38

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

Episode #38 - Irene Lewis-McCormick

International Fitness Educator, 30-year Fitness Veteran, Twice Published Author, Faculty at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, and SCW Fitness, Director for Octane Fitness, Orange Theory Coach,  RYKA Fitness Ambassador, Master Trainer for: TRX, Savvier Fitness, Power Systems, SCW Fitness Education, JumpSport, and KnotOut. Certifications include: NSCA, ACE, AFAA, ACSM, AEA, and YogaFit. IDEA Fitness Presenter of the Year Nominee 2018.

In episode #38 of Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone, the spunky and super intelligent Irene Lewis-McCormick walks us through HER rise to fame in the cutthroat fitness industry.  From teaching aerobics classes in small studios….and yes thongs and headbands were totally cool, to starring in dozens of workout videos, Irene is the real deal! She not only discusses some valuable tips to be more successful in the fitness world, but also how to effectively retain clients and foster relationships in any career.

Irene delves into her life as a professor at Drake University and shares some eye-opening experiences about the next generation of fitness professionals.  (Don’t worry! It’s not all bad!) Irene also discusses the importance of strong communication skills and being able to have the ability to “Train to Transfer!”

As the author of The HIIT Advantage and A Women’s Guide to Muscle Strength, Irene is also an expert on properly training the body, especially the woman’s body, by using HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts as well as safe and effective strength programs. Her knowledge base is amazing and her 30+ years of experience makes her a true leader in the fitness world!

Irene has her hand in just about EVERYTHING in the fitness industry….and we even got a little plug for Orange Theory Fitness in there!

Thank you for listening in on Episode 38!

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone



Instagram: @irenemccormick3


Orangetheory Fitness:

Please, as always, be sure to subscribe to Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone on iTunes or where ever you listen to your favorite podcasts. We appreciate the support and it goes a long way in helping us share our message of health and fitness. 

Lamonte Goode - CyberYoga - Episode 37

“You can always take things to the next level. Spiritually. Physically. Mentally.” Lamonte Goode

Episode 37 – Lamonte Goode – Creator of CyberYoga

In Episode 37, the TFC’s have a very interesting and connecting conversation with Lamonte Goode, the creator of the amazing and innovative yoga style CyberYoga. Taking inspiration from machinery, science fiction, “downloads” and even Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, hear how Lamonte creates and stirs us to use our bodies, aka “biomechanical machines with spirituality”, to create movement, art and a strong connection tour spirits. His artistic movement is on full display on his CyberYoga Instagram page. You must see this to appreciate it. It is truly amazing!

With a long career in TV, film and commercials as well, we can’t get enough of this fascinating artist. We are honored and grateful for having him on the show.


Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone! 


For More On Lamonte Goode:






Please, as always, be sure to subscribe to Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone on iTunes or where ever you listen to your favorite podcasts. We appreciate the support and it goes a long way in helping us share our message of health and fitness. 

Sara Kooperman - CEO of SCW Fitness Education/SCW Mania/WATERinMOTION - Episode 35

Episode 35 – Sara Kooperman – CEO of SCW Fitness Education/SCW Mania/WATERinMOTION


In Episode 35 the Two Fit Crazies have the honor and privilege of being joined on the podcast by the one and only Sara Kooperman; who is as Christine calls her, “the Oprah of Fitness.”

Sara is the CEO of SCW Fitness Education and WATERinMOTION, a visionary leader that in the in the past 34 years has launched nine successful MANIA fitness-professional conventions, over 30 live and online certifications, and over 600 video & CEC projects. Sara’s humor and warmth is matched only by her devotion to education. She is the proud recipient of the Illinois State Business Woman of the Year and AEA’s Global Award for Contribution to the Aquatic Industry. Having been a former adjunct faculty member for the Kenneth Cooper Institute, ACSM, NASM, ACE and AFAA, Sara serves on the Gold’s Gym Think Tank, is on the Women In Fitness Association Board of Directors, and is an proud inductee into the National Fitness Hall of Fame. Sara has left an indelible mark on the fitness industry.

Hear her story as she takes us through it all. From her early days at Sara’s City Workout in downtown Chicago (Yes, Oprah was there too). To being in Jane Fonda videos, wearing in the attire of the day. To the genesis of the SCW Mania conventions. The “Ups and Downs”. All things SCW past and present. And So Much More!

If nothing else is evident throughout the show, the only thing that equals Sara’s passion for fitness is the gratitude that she has for her team and those that have helped her along the way. We would like to take this opportunity to shine our own gratitude back on you Sara Kooperman. Thank you ever so much for joining us on the show. We had a blast!

Enjoy In Good Health!

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone


Show Links:

Sara Kooperman:

Sara Kooperman Facebook:


SCW Mania:

SCW Facebook:

SCW Instagram:

SCW Twitter:



WATERinMOTION Instagram:


Silver Sneakers:

Women In Fitness Association (WIFA):

WIFA Facebook:

WIFA Instagram:

WIFA Twitter:

Soul Clap Fitness:

Please, as always, be sure to subscribe to Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone on iTunes or where ever you listen to your favorite podcasts. We appreciate the support and it goes a long way in helping us share our message of health and fitness. 

Dr. Abby Bales, DPT, CSCS - Pelvic Floor Specialist - Episode 34

Episode 34 – Dr. Abby Bales, DPT, CSCS

In Episode 34, Fit Crazies Brian and Christine get some help in navigating the waters of exercising, both during pregnancy and postpartum, with the amazing Dr. Abby Bales! 

Dr. Bales is a New York State board certified physical therapist and owner of Reform Physical Therapy in New York City. Reform PT specializes in treating and training pregnant and postpartum female athletes of all levels. Abby is a graduate of NYU's Doctorate of Physical Therapy program, a pelvic floor certified physical therapist, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, a run coach, 9 time marathoner, loving wife to a Marine and mother of two youngsters. As such, she offers a very unique perspective and supreme level of expertise. 

Abby is dedicated to helping women stay as active as they want to be during a very unique time in their lives. As a mother and an athlete, Abby understands the emotional and physical needs of women to be active both during and after pregnancy, the desire to return to high levels of performance, and the complexity of fitness and motherhood.

We have a great conversation. There really is something for everyone to take home from this episode. Moms. Moms to be. Fellow Trainers. And yes, even you fellas. Get out your notebooks! And be sure to visit the Reform PT Instagram page for Dr. Bale’s exercise series. 

Thank You Dr. Bales for sharing your expertise!

Word To Your Motha!

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone! 


For more information on Dr. Bales and Reform PT NYC:





Please, as always, be sure to subscribe to Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone on iTunes or where ever you listen to your favorite podcasts. We appreciate the support and it goes a long way in helping us share our message of health and fitness.  

Christine's Boston Marathon Experience - Episode 33

Episode 33 - Christine's Boston Marathon Experience

The TFCs called for an emergency podcasting session after Christine's unusual Boston Marathon experience. To say that the weather was bad, would be an understatement. It was awful and lead to an uncustomary performance for Christine; the dreaded "DNF".

Listen in as Christine and Brian hash out the details and hear the story rom an absolutely crazy day! Marathons are hard enough!

Let the Healing Begin!!!!

Much Love,
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

Please, as always, be sure to subscribe to Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone on iTunes or where ever you listen to your favorite podcasts. We appreciate the support and it goes a long way in helping us share our message of health and fitness.

Karli Taylor - BarreFlow - Episode 32

Meet Us At The Barre!!!

Episode 32 – Karli Taylor – Creator of BarreFlow


In Episode 32, the Fit Crazies rap with Karli Taylor, creator of BarreFlow to get the skinny on her innovative program that combines the emerging and popular fitness genre that is Barre and Vinyasa Yoga like flow into one posture improving, core developing, multi joint/multi muscle moving workout.

Barre has been a hit on the scene for a while now and Karli is the first guest on our show to discuss it. We hear of Barre’s origins, what guided her towards it and what she saw as areas that she could take the philosophy to a different level with added movement.

In addition, Karli gives us the lowdown on who her BarreFlow program can benefit. The short answer? Everybody! Men. Women. Young. Old. Athletes. Pre and post-natal. You name it. With modifications and advancements for all, if you’ve got a body, you’ll find your flow with BarreFlow. We even hear Christine’s firsthand recount of her experience BarreFlow! And let’s just say, she found it to be more challenging than she anticipated. That alone should peak your interest!


Please Listen In Good Health!

“Where It’s At.”

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone!


For more on BarreFlow and Karli Taylor, lookie here!

Please, as always, be sure to subscribe to Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone on iTunes or where ever you listen to your favorite podcasts. We appreciate the support and it goes a long way in helping us share our message of health and fitness.

Christine and Brian - Shootin' the Breeze - Episode 31

Episode 31 – Brian and Christine – Shootin’ the Breeze

It’s been a while since Brian and Christine have done an episode without a guest on the line or in studio. In Episode 31, they take the time to catch up on all things happening in their fitness world. From the Spring running season, to Christine’s, now annual, showdown with the Boston Marathon, to her Ironman pursuits, to the locally run New Jersey Marathon to Bob freakin Ross. After 30 Episodes, the TFC’s circle the wagons and share their news.

Most notably, we receive a thorough update from Christine on her recent flare-ups of Rheumatoid Arthritis, her efforts to combat them using holistic approaches, the ensuing medicinal intervention and how this has her feeling, physically and mentally, leading up to these big events. As usual, she has an amazing will and outlook with so much on her plate.

Much Love!!!!


#bobross #owningit #bostonmarathon #patriotsday #newtonhills #heartbreakhill #meb #ironman #ironwoman #ironmanlakeplacid #autoimmuneathlete #rheumatoidarthritis #r.a. #life #fitness #sabbatical #birthdaymarathon #tfc #newjerseymarathon #pacegroup #coaches #trainers #livin

Mindy and Bruce Mylrea - One Day To Wellness - Episode 29

“I would like to see it (the fitness industry) flipped upside down to where evidence-based nutrition is the primary tool when you walk in the door and that it’s the theme you see when you come to a fitness conference…”  Bruce Mylrea – One Day To Wellness

In Episode 29 The Two Fit Crazies catch up with Mindy and Bruce Mylrea to discuss their freewheeling, veggie eating, mission of brining “science and evidence-based information” on the benefits of Whole Food Plant Based nutrition to the masses through their non-profit wellness movement, One Day To Wellness.

 A pillar of the fitness industry for many year, Mindy has won almost every major award the industry has to offer including IDEA Fitness Instructor of the Year, PFP Trainer of the Year, and International Presenter of the Year. She has starred in over 400 fitness videos and created the ever-popular Gliding Disks along with cutting edge education for the fitness industry including the award winning Tabata Bootcamp program.

Bruce joined Mindy in the fitness world in 2005. In 2011, to treat Bruce’s high cholesterol numbers, both Bruce and Mindy transitioned to a whole food, plant-based diet #wfpb. This was a pivotal point in both Bruce’s and Mindy’s life. A game changer for sure. Bruce successfully lowered his total cholesterol by over 100 points and lost over 25 pounds. However, just one year later, Bruce was blindsided by being diagnosed with prostate cancer. Armed with his WFPB diet and with various treatments under his belt, Bruce is reporting that he’s feeling better than ever. Likewise, Mindy sounds more than happy with everything that #plantstrong Bruce brings to the party! Ha-ha! These two are a lot of fun!

Together, they saw a void in the fitness industry in the lack of attention given to nutrition and wellness. And so, together, they’ve set out to educate the country (and Canada) with One Day To Wellness.

So how do you spread the mission? How do you share your passion? Fly around the country week after week? Nope! Drop into a city for the weekend? No Way!!! Not Mindy and Bruce! They opted for the road less traveled. They’ve taken to the highways and byways of America in an R.V. that they’ve wrapped with fruits and veggies and coined the “Wellness Wagon”. In fact, for the interview, the Mylrea’s called in from their R.V. parked in Jackson, MS! So Cool!

Hear how their story unfolds and listen to what they have planned for their future as they travel the country, two peas in a pod, preaching Whole Food, Plant Based health and wellness.


Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone.

For More on Bruce and Mindy Mylrea:

Also Mentioned in this Episode:

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies:

The Food Revolution Network:

Nutrition Facts (Dr. Michael Greger):

The China Study:

R.V. Family Travel Atlas: