Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

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Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

We are Where It's At!

With Personal Trainers/Coaches/Athletes Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast, aka Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone, discuss Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Running, Longevity, Vitality and Healthy People Doing Healthy Things. Guest Stars on the Regular!

Filtering by Category: Wellness

Karli Taylor - BarreFlow - Episode 32

Meet Us At The Barre!!!

Episode 32 – Karli Taylor – Creator of BarreFlow


In Episode 32, the Fit Crazies rap with Karli Taylor, creator of BarreFlow to get the skinny on her innovative program that combines the emerging and popular fitness genre that is Barre and Vinyasa Yoga like flow into one posture improving, core developing, multi joint/multi muscle moving workout.

Barre has been a hit on the scene for a while now and Karli is the first guest on our show to discuss it. We hear of Barre’s origins, what guided her towards it and what she saw as areas that she could take the philosophy to a different level with added movement.

In addition, Karli gives us the lowdown on who her BarreFlow program can benefit. The short answer? Everybody! Men. Women. Young. Old. Athletes. Pre and post-natal. You name it. With modifications and advancements for all, if you’ve got a body, you’ll find your flow with BarreFlow. We even hear Christine’s firsthand recount of her experience BarreFlow! And let’s just say, she found it to be more challenging than she anticipated. That alone should peak your interest!


Please Listen In Good Health!

“Where It’s At.”

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone!


For more on BarreFlow and Karli Taylor, lookie here!

Please, as always, be sure to subscribe to Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone on iTunes or where ever you listen to your favorite podcasts. We appreciate the support and it goes a long way in helping us share our message of health and fitness.

Marvin Towler - Trainer/Speaker/Instigator/Athlete - Episode 28

“Growing up, “instigator” always had a negative connotation…

…So I looked up what it means. And it’s someone who stirs the pot in a good way; and instigates change.” ~ Marvin Towler

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast

Episode 28 with Marvin Towler – Trainer/Speaker/Instigator/Athlete

In Episode 28, Christine and Brian sit down for a fun and thought-provoking conversation with admitted instigator Marvin Towler. Marvin is a talented Success Coach, coaching others in clarifying goals and working towards personal and professional success. He has worked with some of the biggest names in the personal development industry. Along his path to self-mastery he came across Gary Keller and Jay Papasan’s #1 best seller The ONE Thing, which had such an impact on him that he decided to become one of the first 40 people in the world to be certified to teach the powerful principals of productivity.

We discuss the importance of setting practical goals, developing positive habits, the myth of productivity via multi-tasking and the interesting benefits of having experienced adversity in our lives. And much, much more!

And one interesting side note, Marvin becomes our second straight guest to forgo a legal career to pursue greater passions in life. Ah, The Universe!!!!  A life-long student and consciousness explorer, Marvin Towler is constantly evolving and unfolding!

Episode 28! Enjoy!

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone!

Show Notes:

Also mentioned:

Seth Godin

The Slight Edge

Multitask Research Study – Prof. Clifford Nass. Stanford University

Shane Barnard - Urban Kick - Episode 27

“It’s my job to make you feel better when you leave my class or workout than when you walked in. That’s my goal!” Shane Barnard – Creator of Urban Kick

In Episode 27 the Two Fit Crazies are joined by Shane Barnard, creator of Urban Kick, an innovative, exciting and athletic format workout that is taking group fitness by storm!

This is a fantastic chat. Developed from scratch using her background in dance, Urban Kick grew to where Shane was able to leave her career as an attorney behind to follow her dream and spread good health and fitness to the masses. And, my goodness, aren’t we the lucky ones for this! Shane has “it”!

Using sequences named after such notables as Flavor Flav, Jackie Chan and The Terminator, Urban Kick takes a sports conditioning approach and combines punch and kick sequences with H.I.I.T. drills, for a multi-level, fun and heart-healthy workout. It borrows from different martial art techniques such as: taekwondo, karate and muay thai kickboxing to create a total body cardio kickboxing workout that incorporates steady state cardiovascular training, metabolic boosting H.I.I.T. training and functional body-weight strength training for a dynamic and efficient workout.

And as has become an ongoing theme of the Podcast, we touch upon the current state of the fitness industry. We believe that you will appreciate Shane’s perspective. The Two Fit Crazies are detecting a common trend from the leaders in the industry.

Thank you, Shane, for developing your amazing Urban Kick program (and kicking your law practice to the curb).  We had a blast catching up with you!


Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

Jonathan Ross - Funtensity - Episode 25

“Changing the game by making it one.” Jonathan Ross.

And with that, Jonathan Ross, Chief Funtensity Officer, explains the genesis of his fitness creation, Funtensity.

In Episode 25, the Two Fit Crazies have the pleasure of catching up with Jonathan Ross to hear his story on how and why he came up with his program that incorporates, among other things, a Rubber Chicken to help create a change in body, a change in mind and a change in the way that people feel about fitness!

Oh, and about that Rubber Chicken? Take it from Jonathan, “It’s irresistible. I’ve seen some hard-core fitness types standing there with their arms folded. But once they start throwing it around, they become a kid again.”

Listen in and find out why, “The 80% come for the fun. The 20% come for the intensity. Everyone stays for the Funtensity.”

Come “Lose yourself in play to find yourself in fitness." Just like Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone, Funtensity is Where It's At! 

Funtensity Links:







Vishal Patel - Senior R&D Manager at Nuun Hydration - Episode 23

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast - Episode 23

Vishal Patel, Nuun Hydration Senior Research and Development Manager
Avid runner, nutritional scientist, and clinical research developer for Nuun, one of the world's top hydration companies, discusses the importance of hydration for athletes and non-athletes alike. Vishal Patel shares secrets about Nuun products, discusses the importance of EVERY ingredient that goes into Nuun, as well as the fact that it is NON-GMO, Low-Calorie, Vegan, Gluten-Free, and Delicious. Patel explains why people should not settle for water or sugary sports drinks when hydrating with Nuun will make you feel and perform your best!